MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Can we all just be honest...?

Can we all just be honest...?

The worst crime of this movie is just that it was boring as hell.
The games were interactive John Woo stuff of the highest order (especially the second one).
So why was this movie SO lacking in the shoot-em-up department?
Literally, Hard Boiled probably felt more like a Max Payne movie than this did.
Just not enough action/violence. It dragged so badly.
The games had decent stories, wouldn't have been that hard to translate to film.
Yet I don't even fault the movie's story, what burnt this bridge for me (besides Beau)was the lack of action scenes. This should've been a non-stop bullet fest. Instead we got something with the pacing and tone of an episode of Law and Order over a much longer run time. Snore.

Mark Wahlberg wasn't the problem. The supporting cast wasn't the problem.
The problem was just how freaking boring it was. I expected an action movie, and instead got a moody drama. This is based on a game by Rockstar. For *beep* sake!


I agree. For a movie based on a shooter game, it was too slow. I wasn't too happy about Marky Mark being cast as Payne, but that's the very least of this movie's problems.


In my opinion the story is one of the main reasons the first game was a hit and I think that's why they opted for a more story driven movie. Of course like you and others I would've preferred more shoot-outs but at the same time I don't dislike it as much as others.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.


This is based on a game by Rockstar. For *beep* sake!

Except it wasn't.

Remedy made the first two Max Payne games.
Rockstar didn't develop any Max Payne games until Max Payne 3.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Fair enough, but that's ultimately besides the point.
The movie is still boring as *beep*.


The game isn't by R*, it was made by Remedy. R* only published it. They had nothing to do with making it. MP3 is a different story.


Just noticed someone already pointed that out... nevermind, forget I was here
