MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Tim Olyphant would be great as Max....

Tim Olyphant would be great as Max....

When I started playing the game many years ago I never expected it to ever be a movie. But the moment I saw Tim Olyphant I said he'd be the perfect Max Payne. When I heard they were making the movie I was excited because I loved both games, and thought maybe he'd get some consideration for the part.

Nothing against Walberg, I like him too..... I just think Olyphant would have been THE choice to bring Max to life on the big screen...


I always see Lieutenant Dan. You know- CSI NY Guy. Etc.

(whatever his real name is)



Naa not for me , he was too bad in Die Hard.


I always see Lieutenant Dan. You know- CSI NY Guy. Etc.

(whatever his real name is)

That would be Gary Sinise :)

Personally I think Josh Brolin would be awesome as Max Payne, especially since I saw him in that Mercedes Benz advert recently.

UPDATE: This is it here


Heh, replace the rain with snow in that commercial and it'd be a start.


i have always envisioned Jeremy Northam to max payne
These Days


No, not Gary Sinise...he means Don Flack, played by Eddie Cahill! I agree with dannyboy123, he was always my first choice, as well. Just look at him:


I don't see why they didn't use the voice actors or the body actors from the game. They were perfect.

Voice actors:

Max Payne: James McCaffrey
Mona Sax: Wendy Hoopes
Vladimir Lem: Johnathon Davis
Jim Bravura: Vince Viverito
Valerie Winterson: Jennifer Server
Alfred Woden: John Braden
Vinnie Gognitti: Fred Berman

Body Actors:

Jim Bravura: Mike Arkin
Max Payne: Timothy Gibbs
Vladimir Lem: Peter Giles
Vinnie Gognitti: Stephen Gregory
Alfred Woden: Edward James Hyland
Valerie Winterson: Andrea Leigh
Mona Sax: Kathy Tong

You know, it's proven that second-hand smoke is, uh, carcin-... uh, you know, cancer related. -- Fargo (1996)


max payne.........Edward norton.
Mona sax..........Scarlett johansson(with black hair).
lupino............danny treijo.
BB Hensley........Michael Madsen.
Alex Balder.......Chris O'Donnel.

Director: Zack Snyder (director of 300).


You know whats funny, when they have the scene where the cop introduces "a real hero", or words to that effect, the guy he introduces is the VA of Max from the games. Best part of a mediocre film.


Marky Mark Walhberg is a good actor and did ok with max payne , with a better script and better supporting cast he would have killed it.


i have been saying that timothy olyphant should play max ever since i saw him in the girl next door.

How can i be lost, if i've got nowhere to go?


I thought he was good in that but after seeing him in the awful "Hitman" I'm no longer convinced.

He also mentioned in interviews that he hadn't even played or seen the Hitman games so he didn't sound like he was at all interested in preserving any of the character.

If you're going to make a film based on a game I think the lead actors at least have to show more than a passing interest in the original character.

Given that Max Payne 3 is on the way next year and will probably be a huge sucess there's no reason they couldn't start fresh with a new film.


What, in the same way he was the 'perfect' 47 in Hitman? Get your headd out of your @$$!!!


he was too young for hitman, and he talked too much. the movie was decent, just miscasted.

How can i be lost, if i've got nowhere to go?


I always though Tim would make a great Max Payne as wall as Peter Krause from SFU.


Just thought I would chime in since it's on FX right now and watching it.

I went to a midnight showing and was extremely disappointed. Been a fan of Max Payne since even before the beginning (demo on my PC Gamer disc before the game was released) and it's my favorite video game series along side Half-Life.

Now that is out of the way, I wanted to tell why the movie didn't have a pool of all these actors to choose from. It's the "studio".

With any movie, they only have certain actors to choose from within the studio creating it. Yes, they may want another actor to play whatever role, but if said actor wants more money than they are willing to pay, then it's the next actor that will take the job within the studio. I am not completely 100% sure on the above information, but it's from I have understood from different sources.

And my biggest gripe with the movie, Ludacris. I am sorry, Deputy Chief Jim Bravura was a chubby, white, balding guy with glasses. You have to type cast for a movie like this and an African American was not it. I actually think the movie would have been a little more believable for the FANS if it wasn't for this. But people that had never played the game wouldn't have thought twice about it.

Well, this was my two cents that went through my head :)


They actually intended to cast the character of Jim Bravura as middle aged white guy but Ludacris was so good in his audition they rewrote the part for him. You have to go with the best available actor, it probably is better that they used Ludacris if none of the middle aged white actors that were interested in the part weren't any good.


I agree


Wahlberg tends to dial in too many performances and gets dull. He definitely was too bland in this role. I think Dylan McDermott would be a good fit and he even looks like Max.


I'd rather see Danny DeVito play Max Payne than Wahlberg ever make another attempt at it. At least it'd be funny :\
