Who would you cast in a reboot?
Who would you like to play the famous character in a reboot of Max Payne?
shareWho would you like to play the famous character in a reboot of Max Payne?
shareMax Payne: Jon Hamm or Christian Bale
If you look at the actor that was the model for Max Payne 2 it's almost freaky how much Bale and him look alike.
http://www.yeshairstyles.com/wp-content/gallery/christian-bale/christi an-bale-on-set-of-the-dark-knight-business-man-hair.jpg
Both Hamm and Bale are handsome but have that rough demeanor about them. Hamm also has the deep voice that Max should have.
Mona Sax: Emily Blunt or Eva Green or Jennifer Connelly
All are great actresses. I will admit that Emily seems too sweet but she has that dark brunette look with enigmatic eyes like Mona does. Eva does as well and she's less sweeter than Emily. Both would be excellent choices IMO. Jennifer is getting older now but that might work better as Hamm and Bale are getting older too.
Nicole Horne: Helen Mirren
Enough said. Brilliant actress that could pull off anything. She's got a look for the character as well. Perfect casting IMO.
Vladimir Lem: Sean Bean
He's definitely got the Vlad look down and he's been great in everything I've seen him. He was the first actor that came to mind.
Alex Balder: Bryan Cranston
Alex is a very minor role but could serve a bigger and or better purpose in a reboot. He's also portrayed older and Bryan Cranston is youthful looking enough yet old enough to play that character. Breaking Bad is also my favorite TV show so why not.
B.B.: Vincent Kartheiser
He portrays Pete Campbell on Mad Men and he's already a deceiving, smug, cut your throat to get ahead kind of guy so it's almost as if the role was made for him. This is definitely debatable though. He's just the first person that came to mind.
Vinnie Gognitti: Sam Rockwell
Incredible actor. The look, the voice, his mannerisms... it's a perfect fit.
I only did who I thought could play these roles. I of course want the other characters in the reboot (ex: Jack Lupino, Lisa Punchenello etc) but I can't think of who I'D personally want to see them portrayed. Perhaps that's all the A-listers needed for the film and the rest could be given to up and comers/out of the spotlight actors.
Tell me what you think of my cast! I've really given it some thought and I've also wanted to write a script for a reboot. Although, I'm discouraged about doing it as it would be hard after the first one sucked so much and screenwriting is not my career.
This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed...bitch!
Sam is an interesting choice for Gognitti. I actually like that... just would have to grow out his hair a bit. James McCaffrey is the ultimate Payne though, I mean.. hes the voice. Like ive been saying, any long time payne fan would have James as Payne. Sean bean would make a good Lupino
shareMax Payne should be played by James McCaffrey Not really sure why you would have anyone else...
All things considered though, casting isn't going to make a difference with a reboot if the person writing the script doesn't know what the hell they are doing. Max Payne wasn't a bad movie due to casting. It was bad because it was poorly written and left out a lot of what made the game's story great.
You can't stop what's coming.
Max Payne-Ethan Hawke, Christian Bale, Josh Brolin
Nicole Horne-Deborah Kara Unger
Mona Sax-Emily Blunt
B.B.-Michael Biehn
Jim Bravura-Michael Lerner
Lisa Sax-Emily Browning
Vladimir Lem-Sean Bean
Directed by Phillip Noyce
Written by David Ayer
Music by Graeme Revell