MovieChat Forums > The Omen (2006) Discussion > Movie would have been better if....

Movie would have been better if....

I think the movie would have been better with extra new and original scenes. Especially a few more with Damian in them. Even if they kept the movie exactly as it is but just added new scenes even if it makes the movie longer.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


Definitely! I really don't see the point in remaking a movie shot for shot. It's obviously purely for money, which is such a turnoff.


I would agree with that. I like that they kept it similar to the original for the most part. I know a lot of people disagree, but to me that says they appreciate the job the writers did with the original and didn't see the need to change very much because it is fine as is. I think that giving Harvey Stephens a cameo also shows respect for the original. A lot of other remakes come across as if the creators have disdain towards the original film (at least to me) so it was a breath of fresh air to see they really respect the 1976 film. But that being said, it wouldn't hurt to add new scenes in addition to the scenes from the original so it wouldn't be too similar.

I also think they should've used a more memorable score. The musical score in the original is legendary and almost a character in the film itself. But this has the same slow, dreary, ambient score that every horror movie made after the year 2000 has.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!
