I prefer the original, but... [slight spoiler]
As I said, I prefer the original, but this wasn't bad at all for a remake. I've seen a lot worse. And yes, this followed the original's storyline closely, but not too close, like Psycho '98 close. All the character that die get for the most part reimagined deaths (except from the ambassador's death, which is a new one in this movie alone), and other bits and pieces are slightly done differently too.
One scene that ended up feeling almost a tad more intense in this remake compared to the original, is actually the graveyard scene. Specifically, when the dogs attack. That's not to say that the original scene was boring, don't get me wrong. The way the original scene builds up with the dogs growling ominously before viciously going after Thorn and Jennings, and then Thorn gets his arm impaled on that fence - powerful stuff. But in the remake, the attack feels even more animalistic and violent. And instead of the slow, ominous, growling build-up, the dogs come out of nowhere; the way one of them launches itself at Thorn in a sudden jump scare - just as Thorn was realizing what had happened with his real son, which was a very emotional moment for him - really wakes you up when watching.
So, for a remake, I don't think this movie is bad at all, and that scene in particular is one of the better ones in general.
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