MovieChat Forums > Shoot 'Em Up (2007) Discussion > Do the Carrots have any Significance?

Do the Carrots have any Significance?

The Carrots were cool and made some of those scenes funny...but do they mean anything?


Smith is an analog for Bugs Bunny and therfore Hertz is an analog of Elmer Fudd.



Actually, he used the word correctly.

An analog is something that is physically set beside something for comparative purposes (or used to replace something in a recreation), while an analogy is a verbal comparison of two similar things. Buster, the oft-abused crash test dummy on Mythbusters, is an analog to the human body, as are the ballistic gel torsos and heads that they routinely shoot or otherwise perforate. The creation of the Empire in the Star Wars universe is analogous to the rise of Nazi Germany. Ministers routinely use stories from their own lives to illustrate points from Scripture in their sermons, demonstrating how both stories come to essentially the same point, thus creating an analogy.


Friendly advice, think things through before you comment. A "hmmm, looks like somebody didn't graduate from high school. :(" comment is a rather degrading personal comment which, as demonstrated, could easily backfire at you. Sorry.


If you pay attention, several times after biting the carrots his eyesight will improve such as when he notices the dogs hair on the senators pant leg.

Oh and the Bugs Bunny analog thing too.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."-Ford Prefect


Christ! This is the most polite argument I've seen on IMDB!


Hmm...I take it you don't own a dictionary?


The high school s/he graduated from certainly didn't seem to have any...



Yeah, you.

Analog (or analogue, depending where you come from) means corresponding in some particular - A computer is an analogy for a brain, even though it's digital. A dial on a meter corresponds to the amount of current flowing through it, therefore the indication on the meter is an analog to the current.


"Undomesticated equines could not remove me" - Teal'c


How could you think that some reference to analog should be digital instead? It was not even about electronics. Then you claim that the poster is a HS dropout. I didn't know what was meant by "analog" & I have 3 degrees. Luckily another poster explain what the relationship of "analog" means, but I certainly didn't want to jump to any conclusions prior to my knowledge of that.

 


Isn't that a little too obvious?

Mr. Smith: [after biting into a carrot and pointing a gun at Hertz] What's up, doc?
Mr. Hertz: Ooh, you're a wascally wabbit.
[points his gun at Smith]
Mr. Hertz: But you're not wascally enough.
Mr. Smith: Yeah? That's a six-shooter. I just counted six shots. You've blown your load.

Anyway, I don't remember Elmer shooting women in the face.


You think so? I was thinking the carrots were significant in regards to his eyesight being so much better than everyone else's. That's why all the bad guys' aim was so off lol.


I thought it was because carrots were rich in vitamin A which is popularly believed to improve eyesight. Obviously acute vision is vital to any shooters accuracy.

Hope that helped but i like the bugs bunny/elmer fudd analogy as well


Giamatti even quotes Fudd at one point - "Oh, you're a wascally wabbit!".



Actually, carrots don't do much for vision. The myth originates to World War 2 Propaganda, when the Government would tell people to eat more carrots to help them see in the dark in order to identify Nazi planes in the skies easier.

Of course it was propaganda, designed to boost morale by making people feel as if they are helping the cause.

You uneducated idiots lol


I didnt really think they improved your eyesight...i always thought it prevented serious cases of i right?


You are correct.




The myth was that eating carrots would allow the soldiers the ability to see in the dark, but carrots do help the vision by supplying Vitamin A. A lack of Vitamin A harms the vision, so the presense of vitamin A helps.

And to the OP, Smith (Clive Owen) makes a comment that reveals why it shows him with carrots. I forget what the exact comment is, but he does state that carrots are good for your eyesight.



Actually, MrAnderson101, you accuse people of being uneducated, when in fact, carrots do have an effect on vision. Carrots contain β-carotene, which your body converts to Vitamin A. Lack of Vitamin A can lead to night blindness.
So the myth from WW2 is based on the truth.

So, you're the uneducted one. Look it up. :)


You are trying to sound so educated, but:

What is &#946-carotene? Also, "uneducted" is not a word.

So, if trying to sound educated and refute somebody, please make sure you don't sound like an idiot when doing so.


&#946-carotene... that's this crappy forum software IMDB is using. There is supposed to be a symbol there that is apparently not supported by this forum. But to spell it out: it's called beta-carotene.

And boo-hoo I dropped an a from the word 'uneducated', big deal, go make a fookin powerpoint for it or something.


It was indeed a myth fabricated and propagated by the UK Government during World War 2, but the motive behind the propaganda was not to boost morale; it was in fact an attempt to cover up the real reason the RAF seemed to be unusually adept at locating German planes at night.

It was in fact due to the newly developed and top secret Radar installations that had been installed (and disguised) along the south coast.

I don't believe the deception lasted that long, although even a few months would have been of benefit - but the myth has obviously persisted.

Contemporary science has apparently found Carrots to be beneficial for the eyes, but that was unknown at the time.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars..." Oscar Wilde


Interesting how you say that it is, '. . . popularly believed to improve eyesight."

Oh? So it doesn't NECESSARILY help maintain and improve eyesight, it is just popularly believed to do so?


They put it into the movie for the Buggs Bunny thing. And the eye-sight thing was their way of making it fit into the story.


I am surprised that no one on this database pointed out that this movie is an extreme satire.

To me, this move plays like a post-modern piece of art, which makes a satire of the American need for sex and violence. There is even a scene where the hero makes love while killing people. The violence is pure hyperbole.

I figured the carrot made reference to the fact that smoking is no longer cool like it was in the eighties. In fact, in every scene Clive Owen eats a carrot the carrot could be replaced by a cigar or cigarette. The contemporary action hero had to quit smoking, so he chews carrots instead.


Nah, it's the whole film is a cartoon - perhaps it's satirising action movies by equating them with Loony Tunes, but that's clearly the primary significance of the carrot - establishing the Bugs Bunny figure in opposition to Giamatti's Elmer Fudd.


This is true, but so is sean's interpretation. IMO, the significance is both these things.


The movie cannot be satirizing a culture of violence, as it's strongly in favor of the violence committed by the right people (but also strongly against the wrong people having guns/being violent).


Yes, they help you see better.



Clive Owen constantly eating carrots in this movie reminded me of Jean Reno always drinking milk in the movie Leon' (a great film by the way).


they were sharper than knives


I figure the carrots were just a parody of the heroes of actions films always having cigars or cigarettes hanging out their mouths.


Ehh, what's up, doc?

"I make movies for teenage boys. Oh, dear, what a crime." -Michael Bay


I think there was also a fairly strong anti gun message in there too. Clive Owen kills the senator to assist the case for gun restrictions. He make a quip about "going hunting with an Uzi".

Perhaps the extremeness of the gunplay lets you ask "are all these guns totally necessary?"


well played and i totally agree but we all have to agree it was damn fun.


He mentions that, but the reason he kills him is that he is killing babies to stay alive.

"Are you thinkin what I'm thinkin?"
"I hope not, cause I'm thinkin how much my balls hurt."


"...the reason he kills him is that he is killing babies to stay alive."

You sure? I don't remember the Senator killing any babies... In fact, as I remember things he needed the babies kept *alive* so that they could help to keep him alive...
Maybe I should go back and watch it again.


I'm probably being sarcastic.



After all, sometimes a carrot is just a carrot.
