
Now that Chris Evans is a hot commodity a sequel or too little too late?


At this point the movie's been out for seven years so I don't think we'll be seeing one, which is probably for the best.
In theory, I would absolutely love to see a sequel. In practice, I'm not sure I'd really want one. I love this movie and I hate for it to be ruined by a crappy sequel.

Also (and this is personal taste) if they were to make a sequel and I had any authority over production I'd make Mr. Evans lose like 50 pounds of muscle so that he would look how he did in 2009. He was so attractive and now he's WAY too muscular. It really upsets me. haha.


The ending of the movie did seem to be setting up a sequel. But Evans would be a pretty expensive hire, now, and of course Dakota Fanning isn't a little kid anymore.

Too bad; I thought the movie was fast-moving and intelligent as compared with a lot of similar 'super powers' films. And I loved the location shooting. A sequel could have done for some other city what this one did for Hong Kong.

_ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ .
Grey Fairy / White Wolf


I remember being none too impressed with this and have never rewat hed it. Perhaps it's worth another go?

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