Did Marty Bach know about the assassinations?
I've seen Michael Clayton three times, if not four. I just finished it an hour ago, and this question still sticks in my head: was Marty (played by Sydney Pollack) in on Arthur's assassination or the attempt on Michael?
There's one major reason I suspect him: the brief scene in which Karen shows Marty the memorandum that Arthur was keeping. So Marty knows about the scientific study that U/North buried. He doesn't tell Michael that he knows. Moreover, Marty knows that Arthur is dangerous and unstable. Really, Arthur's death was in his best interests. He even admits as much to Michael after Arthur's supposed suicide.
After Michael's apparent death, Marty hangs up the phone and lets out an inscrutable sigh. Was that shock? Relief? Despair? Compounding my confusion, there is no scene in which Marty realizes Michael is alive. Whether or not Michael is still with Kenner, Bach, and Ledeen at the end is also left unsaid.
What do you think? Is this theory just the product of an overactive, overanalytical imagination? Or is there a chance he was aware of either attempt beforehand? To be honest, I don't think he knew, especially when it comes to the attack on Michael. Their friendship seems too real, and he doesn't come across as particularly nefarious. Still, it's suspicious.