MovieChat Forums > Piranha 3D (2010) Discussion > when they warned the crowd....

when they warned the crowd....

They didn't mention the piranha at all. They just kept saying "this is an emergency". People didn't actually know what they were being warned about until someone got attacked and a guy yelled "shark!" and they all started panicking.


good point. maybe they thought if they disclosed that panic would ensue and make things worse. I suppose they could've escalated with that after the first warning did nothing.

I just realized I typed several sentences trying to justify the actions of characters in Piranha 3D...

Richie: " were never dying."
Royal: "But I'm gonna live!"


I did notice that but they were just being rebellious idiots for they sake of it so I've got say I quite liked the fact that most of them got eaten. Judging from what happened at the start of the movie, I think that poor cop had put up with people not listening to her all the time. Maybe the survivors will, next time!

Besides, I think of it as a form of natural selection; All the people dumb enough to not get out of the water didn't have descendants!


would you respond to people saying "KILLER FISH ARE COMING?"


I suspect I'd get out of the water first and then go "What??"


Besides, I think of it as a form of natural selection; All the people dumb enough to not get out of the water didn't have descendants!

true lol


david hassellhoff says something similar in the sequel


I think the people couldn't all hear very well in addition to being drunk, and it would have taken a while to explain about extinct mega piranha, which they probably would not have believed. "Shark" they would not believe because it was a fresh water lake, but maybe if they had yelled "fresh water sharks."

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


At least there was one guy there that was smart enough to realize that. Right after the first attack, he asks "who the hell yells 'shark' in a lake?!" ?


I started cracking up when the black cop kept saying "Get out of the water!"

He was saying that line when there were like 100s of people bloodied and dying in the water, of course everyone knew to get out of the water and were trying to, but he kept saying it anyway, lol.
