Why does nobody understand this movie?
I'm glad that critics understood this film because it seems like a lot of audiences didn't. I am absolutely shocked by the amount of hate I see going towards this film in which most people were expecting a super serious film. To me, this is one of the only films I've seen that's a 10/10....I would change absolutely nothing about it.
For starters, the film is intended to be an extremely fun, nostalgic, gratuitous, entertaining bloodbath film, and it succeeds on every level. Seeing this film in the theater in 3D was no doubt the best theater experience that I have ever had, and I know that I will never have another one like it. I don't understand how a human being could not enjoy the hell out of this movie. It perfectly blends horror and comedy, and mixes witty (yet subtle) jokes with brutally clever death scenes.
This is a rare gem of its kind, and many similar films totally miss the mark by either having too much comedy, being too serious, being lazy, having intentionally terrible special effects (Sharknado), lacking a fun storyline, or just being cheap (the sequel, Piranha 3DD, is guilty of these things). I hate when films try to be terrible on purpose to be entertaining, and Piranha 3D isn't trying to be terrible (and it isn't)--it's trying to have fun and exploit goodies for horror lovers. People who say that the film was bad most likely dont understand it, but the people who say "It's so bad that it's good," also don't understand it, because this is the farthest thing from a bad film, which is due to the actual wit and quality that the film obtains along with its over-the-top elements.
If you think about it, all of the production values are actually amazing--The cinematography, the music, the characters, the deaths, the screenplay, the setting, the visual flare, the tone/atmosphere and even the acting (apart from a few intentionally exaggerated acting from a few of the porn extras) are all great in this film. AND THAT BLOODBATH THOE.
The storyline is also surprisingly stellar, and isn't just some mindless Spring Break partying for an hour and a half....the story perfectly blends with those fun aspects in an engaging way. And that Lake Havasu setting was breathtaking. I just wanted to jump into the screen, even with thousands of piranha everywhere. I hear people complain that it wasn't scary.....facepalm. People were thinking that the movie was supposed to be totally serious, but I guess they just don't understand tounge-in-cheek. The film is relentlessly entertaining, extremely fun, witty, wild, gory, gritty, stylistic, and kick a$$. So many people understood the style of "Kill Bill", but didnt understand this film's style. Aja really has an eye for horror and is extremely talented, and I'm so glad that this is his most critically acclaimed films, but I'm disappointed/shocked that many viewers didn't get it. It should have at least a 7.2 on IMDB, actually deserving an 8.