More likely that they will make it into some neutered "meh" movie like the Ring re-make, and then expect us to thank Hollywood for making the movie/story "available" to a bigger audience....
And yeah, instead of character actresses like Nananko (Japanese "Ring") and Belen (Orfanato)-- who created strong, credible mothers fighting for their children and slowly drawn into the supernatural against their will-- Hollywood will cast someone with supermodel looks, with all of 2 levels of emoting.
If Hollywood Executive didn't "get" or accept that the whole "point" of the Japanese "Ring" was to convey the sadness and fear of Nanako holding Sadako in her arms, how can they "get" or accept that the whole "point" of Orfanato was to convey the sadness and fear of Belen holding Simon in her arms?
If you care enough to go around telling people you don't care... you obviously care.