Shoes. A clue?
- For the party, Simon was wearing a distinctive outfit: shorts, a gilet and a white shirt. We don't see what shoes he's wearing, but we can assume he was wearing tennis shoes since the sound they make as he runs to meet Laura holding the cake at the door was rather soft.
- The panting boy who attacked Laura in the bathroom is indeed wearing shorts, but we can clearly see he's wearing black boots.
- When Laura interacts with Simon's soul in the basement, he is wearing the same outfit. Again we can't see his shoes. The dead body she finds is also wearing the same outfit but this time the shoes are visible: When she carries the cadavre up the stairs, we can see the frail, decaying legs have black boots on the feet.
- When Laura dies and Simon is "resurrected", he is wearing All-Star tennis shoes.
What this intentional? Does it provide clues on the identity of the attacker? I can't seem to grasp the meaning of it. Any thoughts?