MovieChat Forums > El orfanato (2008) Discussion > who hid the 5 kid's doll ? and why ?

who hid the 5 kid's doll ? and why ?

That's all my questions :)

Anyway, I really like this movie.
If it's supposed to be a horror movie, then this is the first horror movie that brought tears in my eyes at the end of the movie - it's sad but maybe "touching" is more fit :)

beautiful fossil coral


I thought the dolls had been lying there all the time since the old orphanage. However, I would expect the mice to have nibbled them a lot (an escaping mouse can be seen when Laura lifts the seat). Then the box that the dolls were kept in must have been made of good strong wood.

I found the movie extremely sad and touching, too.


Yes... I agree maybe it's the mice :).
thank you mastholte.

beautiful fossil coral
