MovieChat Forums > El orfanato (2008) Discussion > Wallpaper being peeled off *SPOILER*

Wallpaper being peeled off *SPOILER*

In the opening credits, childrens' hands peel off wallpaper to reveal the names etc. of the cast and crew. I was wondering, does this represent anything from the film? I'm probably being really dumb here but I was struggling to think what it could be. Unless it's *SPOILER* the hands of Simon trying to get out of the basement where he's locked in? And the other children trying to get out of wherever Benigna presumably (perhaps) locks them in while murdering them?

If anyone could help this'd be much appreciated :)


I always thought it could be one of two references:

1: Laura having to peel off the wallpaper in order to get to the basement, leading to her finding Simon.

2: This film is basically about revealing secrets. About Benigna working there, about Tomas, about how the children accidentally killed Tomas and Benigna killing the other children etc. So the wallpaper being peeled off is a metaphor for slowly, piece by piece, uncovering the secrets and finding out the truth.




Thanks bud.


Yes to both. I thought very effective.
