So many flaws
I think this movie was a bit too exaggerated. A friend of mine got a teaching job at a middle school in Compton teaching 8th graders. At middle school these kids are already violent and messed up, they are disruptive and do not care about school, they're just going through the motions until they eventually drop out. It's sad but I saw it all the time, high school teachers really trying to help these kids out, even when they cuss at them, throw *beep* at them, one kid in my class once knocked down the teacher. Some of these kids aren't even poor, all they want to do is get rich, slang weed, or be in a gang, clearly for them getting an education is out of the question.
I'm talking out of my experience going to school here in L.A., if anyone that disagrees and went to these type of schools somewhere in LA or Long Beach, don't hesitate to correct me.
The most realistic media I've seen that portrayed these type of schools would be "The Wire" season 4. That show is the closest to reality, these type of kids are done for in high school, it's sad but very true.
Bottom line, middle school is the best place to try and save them from the gang cycle. When it comes to high school, imo, is a waste of time to try and help them.