Did the husband REALLY bother anyone else?
I don't know how accurate the portrayal of Erin's husband is to reality, but I feel like the message this movie put forward was you can't help other people, change peoples lives, etc, without ruining your own life? Why did she have to "CHOOSE" between the students and her husband? To me, I think he was incredibly selfish. She offered for him to get involved, and I think it would have been great for him and the students to bond.
I hate that once things got "too hard" for him, he just divorced her. He was self centred and weak. Husbands should support their wives, just like she supported him. I hate to turn this into a sort of "feminist" argument, but I've noticed how (in movies especially) when men go out and change the world, their women are always back at home waiting for them. In fact, the wives in movies like this have an even less significant role as they just stay at home and offer words of support here and there. He couldn't even do that much. I don't know, it just bothered me a lot and I'm wondering if anyone felt the same way?