I had a really hard time with them not knowing what The Holocaust was. I mean its one thing to not know that much about it. That Ill buy. But there acting as if the never ever heard of it before. I dont know whats more insane. This or that time in Dangerous Minds where some of them don't know what a verb is. There like what 15 16 ?
And who taught them?? Did they go over the holocaust during gang initiation.. they are 14..15. you don't learn that in elementary and they didn't teach them things like that bc they didn't believe in them
Actually I did learn about it in elementary school. And not all of them are gang members, and even if they are gang members it doesn't mean they have to be complete dumbasses. Like I said its one thing to have very little knowledge about the subject, its another to be completely ignorant.
I had a really hard time with them not knowing what The Holocaust was. I mean its one thing to not know that much about it. That Ill buy. But there acting as if the never ever heard of it before. I dont know whats more insane. This or that time in Dangerous Minds where some of them don't know what a verb is. There like what 15 16 ?
I have a hard time with imdb users who don't know the difference between "they're" and "there"!!
And what do you have against apostrophes?!! "I'll" and "what's" and "don't"!!!
Silly of you to pick on the students who came from an underprivileged background when you have trouble with basic usage and punctuation!
I had to take an undergraduate sociology class. I was the only white person. The rest of the class was mostly African-American. The teacher was an older man who had been a social worker most of his life. He opened a class, one night, talking about Abraham Lincoln who started a war with the Southern States in 1850 about slavery.
This is in a college charging $20,000 a year in tuition.
These were not the only mistakes of fact that he made. Those hungry young minds swallowed up all these inaccuracies. So not learning about the holocaust...totally believable.
Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc
I went to High school from 1989-1993. The schools I went to didn’t teach about the Holocaust at all. I know it’s hard to believe but that’s true. We didn’t have to read Anne Frank or anything and yes I’m American. I didn’t learn details about it until I saw an episode of 7th Heaven. I knew a few basics that I had picked up here and there but that’s it. My husband was shocked. The same is true for black history. I learned about that from Roots! I moved a good bit so I’m guessing that could be why. Curriculum can be different state to state. So I find it believable that kids at 14-15 don’t know it. Especially in the area this takes place it’s like the kids are passed over due to who they are and where they live.