MovieChat Forums > Freedom Writers (2007) Discussion > I dont understand her teaching schedule

I dont understand her teaching schedule

Most teachers do 8 periods, 45 minute classes or some version of that.

I didnt understand her schedule. Did she only do English? And for all grades? Or just 9/10 at first? She had more students than those kids right? All her time and effort seemed to be put into them.

Did she only do that one English class and them go home? I dont get it


Where I live there's only one teacher for all classes up through 6th grade, after that it's 1 teacher per class, I'm not sure if it's also by grade or not.


At her school, the teachers have a total of five classes to teach and one prep period. They also have block schedules: three classes per day for close to two hours.

However, in California the actual minutes per class period vary from high school to high school as the state requires instructional minutes per year in addition to minimum class days. So a class period may be anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes per day. Teachers who have extra-curricular activities often put in a lot more time. AP teachers often voluntarily teach on test prepping on Saturdays, too.


So the movie focused on one period of students only?


That's my assumption. Even EL students are eventually mainstreamed into general ed classes because they have to have complete all four years of regular college prep English in order to graduate. It isn't unusual to have a junior EL student, who has tested into gen ed, taking both ninth and eleventh grade English just to make graduation.

Math was the exception. Before Common Core it was a truly universal language, with the exception of word problems.

Hollywood often glosses over these issues because of time constraints.


As I recall from my high school years, most English teachers only had one unique period of students per year (sometimes they taught honors or AP as well) and it wasn't uncommon for the same teacher to teach mostly the same group of students for two years as Gruwell did. Of course it's pretty unbelievable that one teacher could teach a group for four years. I wonder if that were true. And I wonder how the kids did in other classes?

Eh I don't know what 'phallocentric' means, but NO GIRLS!
