MovieChat Forums > 28 Weeks Later (2007) Discussion > Why Is This Better Than It Was?

Why Is This Better Than It Was?

I haven't seen this since the initial release. Of course, I loved the opening sequence and the character of Doyle—but mostly I was disappointed.

However, I just saw this again for the first time in five years and was really surprised to find it much improved! Don't know how that happened. Elves behind the scenes?


I liked it when I watched it in the theaters and when I watched it about 6 months ago I enjoyed it even more. It's funny how that works. Maybe because the anticipation the first time was so high that it brought you back to reality and just enjoyed it for what it is. I really hope they make 28 months later


That's funny. I haven't seen this since it was in theaters either and never bothered to add it to my horror collection. I've just bought it because I saw Jeremy Renner was in it. I do hope I feel the same


I didn't care for it all when it first came out. I watched it again this evening when I realized Robert Carlyle was in it, and was impressed by how well done it is. The acting, the plot, the music, etc. were very good.


Yeah I know what you mean. This is one of those rare films that gets better with a second viewing. I still prefer the first one, but the sequel is solid.


I liked it when I first saw it (at the show) and even tonight, in my 10th? 11th viewing? Ha!

I actually don't go to many films in the theater; I wait till they're on TV. But I do find that I develop more of a fondness for the good ones that I do see on the big screen, where it's more of an experience. Those are the ones that I end up watching over and over and over. The good ones, I mean.

Because it reminds me of those big thrills and chills I experienced in that public place of the darkened theater that first time I saw it!


I have a confession - I liked this more than 28 Days Later. I'm probably in the extreme minority, but overall I found more scenes in 28 Weeks Later to be far more enjoyable, terrifying and memorable than the first one. 28 Weeks Later was one of the better "infected" movies I've ever seen, and really captured that feverish, societal decay that I've always wanted to see. You don't get to see all of Europe's cataclysmic downfall and abandonment, but you sense it.

And it throws in some interesting subplots with the father (his questionable moral choices) and Jeremy Renner/Rose Byrne (the protectors who sacrifice themselves for the new generation). I think there's more to this film than it usually gets credit for.
