Aside from the fact it was necessary for Andy to survive (to fulfill the plot to get him out of the country), because of his immunity, there was no surprise that he did manage to reach the last film frame of this story.
Doyle, the sniper, could have taken out the kid when he was in the rifle sight after the outbreak occurred. The soldier had instructions to do so, but hesitated.
Because the writer/director made sure that Doyle and Andy were already connected, a little: That Doyle recognized the kid. The sniper spotted the two kids escaping the zone to go visit their house, and at night saw them cavorting in their apartment before going to bed - where Doyle also checked out Scarlet in her room, incidentally, like he'd been doing it for a while.
This established a connection between the characters so that it wasn't too surprising when they got together later on. Watching from his sniper position on high, Doyle knew almost everybody except by name.
> Re: Two stupid sh!ts responsible for second outbreak, yet they survive
I don't think either kid survived the helicopter ride, at least as healthy humans.
I surmise Andy infected Tammy. It would have been accidental, but very easy to do, through casual contact with all that blood on his clothes or his wounds. She was then capable of killing him, her brother, as much as Don was capable of killing his wife. Then Tammy would turn on the pilot, who crash-landed the chopper, which allowed Killer Tammy to flee and start the ball rolling in France, and hence Europe.
I'm not cheerful that this is a possibility, because I think Tammy's emotionality carried us the last third of the film. But I also think that compassion is what could make her incautious.
No matter the reasonableness of this scenario, the penalty for their stupidity is that they turned out to be the ones who spread the outbreak beyond Britain.
If one is without pity, I guess there's some justice in that.