MovieChat Forums > Dancing with the Stars (2005) Discussion > 2019 Week 9 - Girl Groups and Boy Bands

2019 Week 9 - Girl Groups and Boy Bands

Not too many notes from me this week. The dancing is getting good now so I was just in the mood to sit back and watch instead of spending time noting.

Len was more cranky than usual tonight, but I loved it. So funny when he told Carrie Ann, who had repeated the same idea four times, "yeah, we got it".

Joey Fatone was so fun when he came on the show -- loved his Star Wars paso doble that he choreographed himself -- so it was good seeing him again. His season -- season 4 -- was the first one I watched, actually. Hmm, wonder if it's possible to somehow see the earlier seasons...

The dances seemed shorter tonight, probably because they're doing two. Too bad as I had really started to enjoy the longer performances. These just seemed over before they started.

One thing that must be challenging in learning two is that one of them will not be fresh. The one you learned early in the week you probably tend to forget. I think we saw that with a couple of the dancers, who danced noticeably better in one dance than the other.

Some very nice special effects tonight. I liked that high tech lighting that looked like something from Tron, for example. After no glitches last week, again there was a weird long moment when they came back from commercial with sound, but no picture.

It looks like this show will come down to James and Ally, and I'm guessing James has more support. He's better known and there are more female voters than male, so he has the edge there also.

And, to quote a Republican, "our long national nightmare is over", thankfully. To those who voted for Spicer because they genuinely liked him, fine, I respect you. But those who voted just because they somehow imagined that they were somehow poking the liberal world in the eye, you were wrong. All you did was mess up a show that people use to distract themselves enough that they can get through the week. So that was rather caddish of you. Hope you're proud of yourselves.

Only two more weeks of this and then nothing until next fall at the earliest? Maybe really should see if I can find seasons 1-3 somewhere.

Cher next week? Sounds good!

But those are just my thoughts. What did you notice and think about it all?


Was finally able to watch it this morning. WiFi has been a pain. I agree with you about the short dances. They were like teasers.

I always love Len, cranky or not, lol. And Joey is fun, too. He needs a better outlet for his talents than the game show he hosts. I don't remember the first season of DWTS I watched, but I think it was after he was on. I think I would remember a Star Wars dance.

You're probably right about the final two, but I personally enjoy watching Hannah and Kel more. Not sure why.

Yeah, the effects on this episode added a lot. The sets have been disappointing this season and they finally got it together. Very nice.

And yeah, Spicer lasted way too long. But I did appreciate his positive attitude and that he worked hard to improve. For someone with no talent, he actually learned to do a little dancing.

Cher's coming? I didn't hear that. That'll be fun!
Wish they would still do a spring DWTS. It's too bad they're running out of steam.


Ouch! Sorry to hear that.

Yep, teasers is a good way to put it.

Ah, you can still see his Star Wars dance -- a tango rather than a paso as I find out:
They all look so young. I can't recall anyone else ever using Star Wars music.

Well, should be interesting to see how the voting goes from here on out.

Yeah... used to enjoy the old days when they were on two nights a week and voting was fair to all the continental time zones.


Aww that was fun! Star Wars is always a winner with me. Thanks for the link. I'm sure I haven't seen it before since I don't recognize the pro or the co-host.
Haven't seen this week's show yet, but I saw who got kicked off. People are pretty mad on Twitter.


Cool! So who's the earliest performer you remember watching?

Kym Johnson later went on to win the Mirror Ball and married her partner, Robert Herjavec, who is or was on Shark Tank I think.

Shh, I haven't watched yet either, so don't tell me. :) Must avoid Twitter trending words.


By the way, it's possible to watch Joey Fatone's entire season of dances on youtube. I was watching some of it and had forgotten that there had been an accident where he split his pants. So when he split his pants last week, that was really kind of a callback!


Lol, I guess his rear is as big as they say. Thanks for the tip on the videos. Those will be fun to watch.


Oh that was that Kym? I didn't recognize her.
I don't know the first performer I remember. Maybe Marie Osmond? I didn't watch shows at the beginning, I think I just caught highlights somewhere. I think the first season I watched was maybe 11?
Sorry, I hope I didn't spoil the latest ep!


No, no worries.
Ah yes, season 5. Pretty good season. The one where Marie fainted. She really could have won if only she had not ruined her freestyle by making it about her dolls.
