position of noose

I'm probably being picky and am probably wrong, but is the noose the right way round for the first hanging? I thought it was supposed to be set so that it would tighten under the chin when the victim was 'dropped'.


Being as sad as I am, that was the first thing I noticed too.


The proper positioning of the knot is under the curvature of the left jaw behind the left ear. This is because during the drop, the noose will gyrate 1/4 turn to the right and the tug of the rope will end under the chin, snapping the neck backwards and severing the neck at the 2nd and/or 3rd cervical vertabrae (as per Albert Pierrepoints autobiography "Executioner: Pierrepoint"). If you happened to see the internet hanging video of Saddam Hussein, the knot was placed as I described and at the end of the drop was under his chin slightly left of center.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


Ditto here......

I would have thought that the filmmakers would have insisted on accuracy. Even though Albert was supposed to have been an assistant for that execution (filmmaker's liberties with Albert taking over the hanging I guess) he would have known how to properly adjust the noose.


Nice username!!! You ran to the gallows, eh?
