Read the novel

Based on the overall rating of this film on IMDb, and some of the things I've read people saying about the film, and based on my own experience, I feel that literally every single person who ever watches this film would benefit hugely from reading the novel. It's much more important than reading the source material of say Dracula, Jurassic Park, Sin City, The Godfather, an array of other adapted films really.

This film is one of those where reading the source material helps tremendously in really understanding the film, and where it can be incredibly rewarding. I personally don't think this detracts from a films quality either.. perhaps quite the opposite as I feel that other films I'd say this of are A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Stand By Me; all very good films.

At the least I advise that you don't make such bold, sweeping statements about this film without having at least read the novel.. as I feel it will be difficult to really justify what you're saying. I just read it in a week. I found it a very easy novel to breeze right through. Not too long, good momentum, never hit a lull. It's an easy read.



I'll be picking up the book on Friday so look frward to reading it. To be honest I thoroughly enjoyed the film as did my partner - and she hasn't read the book either.

I think it's a marmite film sadly!
