Why didn't they just stop the car in Death Proof???
Basically the woman is riding on the hood of the car, when Mike comes to ram the car and attack them. But the women decide to keep speeding up, which puts them and their friend on the hood in more danger.
Wouldn't it be a lot more logical to stop the car, which would cause Mike to blow past them and get far away, and then get their friend back into the car, and then drive away after? A lot of people say this is one of the best car chases ever, but the thing that ruins the action, is the characters being so stupid.
Even after they manage to ram Mike and get him off the road and far away, do the women stop the car then and let their friend in, since they now have even more time to do that? No, they keep on driving fast, with her on the hood. Unbelievable!
Unless I am wrong?