Is this movie okay for a 15 year old boy
my son recently expressed his interest in seeing a movie and i was just wondering if this movie would be appropriate for a 15 year old. theres not too much tiolet humor or bad language is there?
sharemy son recently expressed his interest in seeing a movie and i was just wondering if this movie would be appropriate for a 15 year old. theres not too much tiolet humor or bad language is there?
shareThis movie is a work of the devil. If you allow your son to see this abomination, Satan will possess his eternal soul! You better get to church and pray with your boy, son!
-Reverend Dixon B. Tweenerlegs
I would advise that you do not allow your son to view this film. I find the content to be highly offensive. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason that we should allow society to believe that a MAN can effectively take care of young children without molesting them. It sickens me that the far left has pushed this blasphemous ideal upon us. Don't give in. Keep your children safe from child molesters and vote with your dollars. Don't vote for Daddy Day Camp or Daddy Day Care for that matter.
sharethat's a bit judgemental.
Honestly, I think it can't be that bad(the movie). Also, most fifteen year olds will do what they want, so I'd tell him to go ahead.
I think its hilarious how none of these people were serious at all, really funny stuff, but on the other hand. I think the movie would be fine for a 15 year old, but why a 15 year old would want to see it is beyond me... when i was 15 i would have never ever wanted to see this trash, with that said i think you son wouldn't pick up any dirty language or gestures he didn't already know at 15.
Calm the fck down. Its PG. a 5 year old could watch it and be fine. read the rating before asking a stupid question.
Dude, I suggest that you both watch it naked, it just totally makes more sense that way. See how it goes.
shareOh shutup drummer 257, you're the idiot. The man can ask a simple question without your need to act like you're smarter than everyone else. What are you? A freakin' nazi? Calling someone stupid for asking a question is stupid. Stupid head.
shareYou just crossed the line big time on calling a person a nazi for sharing his opinion. Sure, you may not disagree with his harmless thoughts about filmratings. But comparing him to an emotionless, massmurdering follower of an antichrist is way, and I mean way, out of bounds. Now I suppose you don't know much about anything you're saying, so I'll leave it at that.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature.
Would you have preferred Civil War Veteran? YOU DAMN BLOOD THIRSTY KILLER!
If you love hating Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, make this your signature.
How big you are, I am in awe. Would you like a cookie for making a "joke" all by yourself?
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature.
i think its safe to say everyone on this forum was/is taking the piss, including the first post!
maybe we can give them the benefit of the doubt and say they maybe meant to type 5 instead of 15?
shareEven worse, showing this film to a five year old is pure mental abuse, it doesn't get worse than that.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature.
Your son is sick, and I am questioning your parenting skills over this.
shareI hope this is a reverse of the "Is this movie OK for a 10 year old?" on the Caligula board type trolls.
If not, IT'S FCKING RATED PG. Though in all fairness, I'd argue this movie isn't appropriate for anyone with an ounce of good taste.
Um...Are you serious?
First of all this movie is targeted towards children around the age of 8 years old.
And even if this movie had mature content in it by 15 years old kids have heard every cuss word that there is, what do you think kids talk like in middle school?
And toilet humor? Inappropriate for a 15 year old? i don't know how sheltered your son is but that's pathetic.
I'm 14 years old and I've seen various R rated movies and so far i haven't killed anyone or robbed any banks and don't accessivly cuss.
I think you should give your kid a little bit of freedom in less than 3 years he will be an adult.
Judging by the fact that he even wants to see this movie I think you baby him just a bit too much.