Why this movie had so little success?
I'm afraid there's a sort of prejudice against Disney in favour of Pixar or Dreamworks. I remember reading the movie wasn't a big hit and didn't heart much and so I lost interest.
When I finally saw it I expected to see a nice but mediocre movie but I think it's actually perfect. Every line is in place and funny and there are no plot holes or dead times, the songs are catchy and not one bit annoying. As Giselle experiences more through human feelings you can see the change the acting was perfect and it's impossible not to relate with them
Still the movie didn't earn much and wasn't a big success, unlike Cars which is in comparison a very mediocre movie expecially the fact that unlike Toy Story or Bugs Life (where it makes sense that toys or insects can be humanized) the world of Cars has no coerency whatsoever (i.e. it's set in USA, in the human worlds, but there are no humans, the cars are alive but no one could have made them since it's a world of cars)
The only problem I have with Enchanted is the animated sequence at the beginning. It's kind of rushed and the characters looks too silly and naive even for fairy tales standard. Think of Eric from Little Mermaid or Aladdin, if they were sent in the real world they would have surely been surprised but would have acted more seriously and not in that silly way.
Anyway, Pixar has made very good movies but it's not flawless and still people seems to worship it for the sake of it even when they make poor movies like Cars or Cars 2. On the other Disney seems to be despised for the sake of it, for the sake of anti-disney pop culture and following the herd (a bit like Justin Bieber hate, he might not be a great singer but there are way worse singers out there and way worse music than his and still they're not despised to the level Bieber is regardless the fact that many artists want to feature him in their songs)
What do you think?