MovieChat Forums > Enchanted (2007) Discussion > Why was Idina Menzel in this?

Why was Idina Menzel in this?

It's not like she's an actress who can sing. She's a singer, that's what she does. And this was a musical. Why was she in this if she wasn't going to sing? Was there a deleted scene I never saw? Were there intentions to have her sing that fell through? Has she been in any other role that didn't involve singing?


"It's not like she's an actress who can sing."
Actually she's kinda precisely that. She began acting on Broadway & theater if I'm not mistaken. Some musical shows, sure. But not all of them.


Yes, she's an actress *and* a singer. Watch Hello Dolly and see an example of a singer who can't act. Idina has an amazing singing voice too, but she's also a great actress. Her training is in musical theatre, so she is not just a voice. I'd have loved for her to have more screen time in this but she was still pretty good. She showed off some really good comic timing in her first scene.


What was the problem? She doesn't have to sing in every damn film she is in. She actually loved it that she was acting and not singing.


Actually, Idina Menzel is an actress, singer, songwriter AND broadway performer and to answer your question, yes, she has been in other roles that didn't involve singing but 'cause she is such a great singer she sings in most of the roles she is in.


And they say karma is a bitch but I am a bigger one

It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine


I'm amazed that no one so far has hit on the answer to this question. Idina Menzel was the voice of Queen Elsa in "Frozen", and sang the hit song "Let it Go". Several Disney singers are in this film in non-singing roles, including Paige O'Hara (Belle), Jodi Benson (Ariel), and Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins).


I agree completely, it's weird. Many are saying that she wanted to prove herself as a straight non-musical actor. That would be much more more convincing if she had picked something to act in that wasn't a musical.


She did great in it.


Interesting question. I will answer this 12 years later: she is Jewish.
