Two Thumbs Up In My Book :)
Fighting The Odds: The Marilyn Gambrell Story is a great inspirational movie to watch. Jami Gertz was at her best of playing the role of Marilyn Gambrell, who helped all of these students accomplish something in their lives despite going through unfortunate circumstances within their families. Perry Beasley (Ernie Hudson) also did a good job of being Gambrell's colleague in the class. He was also inspirational as well as the lady who was a heroine addict before then became a drug counselor. No More Victims program was a million to one shot at first, but was definitely a winner in the end. Jamal, Cody, Valerie, and Lisa were very unique along with the other students. Each had their own problems; they were able to express them. With the help of the No More Victims class, with the exception of Darnell, they (Jamal, Cody, Valerie, and Lisa) and all the students were finally able to overcome their own personal problems. I felt happy for them; watching this movie felt like I was taking No More Victims class with them. I am sure Cody went to No More Victims class again and graduated from high school a year later after this story. I hope Darnell wises up someday and be responsible. Hopefully, both Cody and Darnell will someday be able to forgive each other in their actions. Overall, I rank this movie 10 out of 10 in my book. In my opinion, this is Jami Gertz' best role up to date. She got a good push in this one. I think this movie deserves an award (Emmy, Golden Globe, or even 2005 Lifetime TV's Best Movie Of The Year).