Spoiler: One scene that angered me.

One scene that angered me was when, the IRA lads having used all their ammunition in the ambush, they then had to sit helplessly in hiding while the Tans perpetrated atrocities against their womenfolk.

And that's the last we see of the Tans. It's like the Tans had the last laugh!

If I'd been making this movie, it would have had the American blockbuster treatment, with an epic attack on the Tan H.Q. as climax, Damien and the lads blowing seven kinds of hell out of the villains.

Mel Gibson's patriot - that's how to climax a war-for-freedom movie!


I pretty sure Damien or 1 of the lads makes a joke to them when they are marching out of the town. So you could say the the lads have the last laugh since the tans have to watch the previously wanted men make jokes and laugh as theyre marched out of the country and theres nothing they can do, but that goes both ways I suppose.


Even if they had ammo, it would have been insane to do anything. The tans would probably have killed the women as a prelude to whatever action would have transpired. Letting things play out resulted in "only" a haircut and rough handling.


the tans DID have the last laugh

look at ireland today
ask any irish person what the country is like now
they will bite their lip with anger


As unsettling as the scene might have been, it was a far better depiction of reality than American films.

As I watched this film, I related American history to it. I thought about the struggles of blacks in America and the atrocities that many had to stand by and watch.

And when you talk about having the last laugh, I say the same thing about America today.

This is a powerful film. I really enjoyed it.


The massacre of tthe Native Americans is often forgot about in American history. An entire people a shadow of it's former self. America has it's own holocaust.


The massacre of the Native Americans is often forgot about in American history.

It's not forgotten about, it's hidden. You would never believe just how revisionist Americans are about their REAL history. The most eye-opening historian I've ever read is Howard Zinn. His "nothing-hidden" history is all online and the American Powers That Be (PTB) keep trying to have it permanently removed. His writings about the genocide which started immediately after Columbus arrived and about the frequency of the slave uprisings are shocking.



What do you mean by that statment


Yep the Black and Tans are still here they've just altered the colour of their uniforms a little.




they're just dealing with "peaceful" protesters
