Conditions of sponsorship
The documentary leads us to believe that Cromhurst signed a sponsorship deal with Stanley Best that would force him to pay back the cost of the boat if he did not complete a substantial portion of the race, costing him his house and business and effectively bankrupting him. Upon further reasearch, however, I found evidence to suggest that Cromhurst willingly mortgaged his business and house against Best's financial contribution, which suggests that he basically bet his house and business against his ability to generate income from this endeavor. The first interpretation paints Best as an unscrupulous opportunist who took advantage of a man's dream to ensure a payday whereas the second interpretaton suggests Cromhurst took a grossly irresponsible risk so that he could chase what was clearly an irrational fantasy.
For those with more knowledge of these events through reading and research, which of these versions is closer to correct and is there anything else that i am missing?