The episode set in London (supposedly)
I just watched an episode from what I think is season 4 called Side Angle Slide and, to be honest it was really cringe-worthy to watch. This is the only episode that I havnt been able to watch all the way through without flicking to another channel.
I mean basically there is a scene where Jonas and his "english" sidekick are following a lead through the streets of london. However one thing I noticed was that all the cars had foriegn number plates (maybe eastern european?).
Not sure if anyone else watched this episode without thinking how poorly researched and written it was.
The only two or three things that were used to give it a feeling of being in London were the fake shots of Big Ben, the obviously placed red bus and the english actress who im sure is also in Emmerdale.
Speaking about the English actress she walks home to find Jonas in her flat while she is carrying an american style brown shopping bag in her arms!.
The other so called english actors had such bad accents I had to turn over, but if anyone else can help shed some light on this particular episode id be happy to hear what you thought.