I'm female, and I could do without the "stuff back home". The only thing I found interesting was Kim Brown carving a niche for herself at the radio station. I didn't think the family stuff was terribly realistic (and it got even less realistic towards s4 and later). The way the writers treated the marriage of Mac and Tiffy and her affair was ridiculous.
I just don't think action mixed with family soap in this way works that well...
(I have to admit to owning the first two seasons of the British series "Ultimate Force" (UK 2003-8) on DVD and watching it every once in a while. They introduce family matters too, but in a very different way and not taking over half the storyline. And if I want to see the family side of things, there's "Homefront" (UK 2012) :-).)
"I only watch box sets. Soya latte anyone?" (GuardianOnline reader CameronYJ)