MovieChat Forums > The Unit (2006) Discussion > Turn for the Worse (spoilers)

Turn for the Worse (spoilers)

I was a fan of this show from day one. I recorded it with my vcr for the first season. Lost the tapes though. My problem was it seemed like the writers' strike really ruined it. 1st season was great, but they seemed to have an agenda with 2nd Season and the one creator's wife sounded like she had an agenda in the one episode where the Charlie team guys got pinned down (one KIA) in that village and the one guy's wife was notified and Bob had to be there for her and The Unit. And it really went downhill after Hector died. I really liked the actors. Haysbert, Martini, Michael Irby and Regina Taylor is just gorgeous. And Robert Patrick was good, but I thought they dragged that affair out too long. I didn't mind the female who stepped in for the support role, but the guy who stepped in for Hector as part of the team made me glad they ended it when they did. But that was also the most abrupt and awkward ending to a series ever. Sopranos was a bit up in the air, but I still prefer that ending over this.
