Who's older?

"God" supposedly created Earth and all that, but then didn't Billie say how before everything their was the Empty, nothing? Then Death has said he was older than God...so who is the oldest?

Since the OG Death is dead...where did he go? The Empty or just cease to exit?

Then there's Chuck and Amara being siblings, light/dark. But I've always felt that their is a higher power above them - God. Why would God simply just be light? Wouldn't he be the creator of lightness and darkness along with universe/Earth?

If Chuck is indeed God, why would need Amara to balance it all out?


Nobody wants to play?


Ok I'll have a go. :)

I'm still deciding the situation with God and Amara. God said there was a balance when both of them are alive. But he's made up stories about "everything" that I'm starting not to trust that. Like he said that Michael/Adam was a blubbering mess and he's not. Granted he's a bit of a split personality but he's coherent.

As to Death was around before God, I tend to think that's correct. So yes that makes Death older than God. The empty was created first because before there is any life there is empty or nothing. I think OG Death probably went to the empty when Dean killed him. Heck he could even be that scary figure that grinned at Jack. Believe me I got a little unnerved at that.

I'm really glad we're going to find out very soon.


I keep thinking about Death wanting to reap God one day, and think he's gonna re-appear to do that job. I am so routing for that. Dean also might have a shock!

I think Death went into a puff of smoke, broke up into smithereens, which if is the case, he might not come back. If he's in the empty, there might be that chance of resurrecting him again. Something might happen to Billie, and he comes back.

As for the Darkness, I think the Bible said about the balance of things that the universe needs light and shade to survive. But then if Amara was locked away for eons, how did God weave his magic for all this time alone with out his ying and yang.

I don't remember that figure lilmac it escapes me.


At the end of Season 14 Episode "Moriah" the figure appears.

Jack wakes up in the Empty, and the Shadow looms over him, smiling. He hears a voice behind him and turns to see Billie standing over him, and she tells Jack that they need to talk.

Not sure if "it" was smiling because Jack was in the empty or is in cahoots with Billie. Later when Jack returns and tells them he's to kill God, I remembered this episode and wondered if "it" is grinning because when God is killed he goes to the empty.


I remember the "smiling" - I saw people assume it was because Billie and it would work together, but in the last episode when Cas went to the Empty, it wasn't too nice about things, so I'm beginning to think the "smiling" was because Jack was there... And it's never really been on their side, ever.

There's a lot of inconsistencies with the writing, especially within these last few seasons. So I doubt anything will make much sense. I'm still trying to get used Chuck being this total dick and saying things happened, because he had them happen that way... I'm not going to believe anything Chuck has said in the past or next episodes until the show ends

I like to think that Death is older, however the Empty is the nothing that supposedly came first, but it's not like anyone can walk over there or anything. It's always been "there"

Then how was God created(?) Was it the big bang?

I know I'm thinking too much into it, but if there's a debate of who is older and what came first, then there's got to be reasons for how and what came next.


Sammi don't knock yourself, its been interesting reading this thread for once, its not often people bite on threads these days, so you've kept our interests going, which is good in my book. The science side of stuff can get rather complex, and sometimes I don't think our writers delve that deep, having said that if Edlund had still been around he might of tackled something on this scale.

Lilmac, thanks for the reminder I do notice it now. At this stage we don't know who or what the black blob is, I wonder what will happen to it next.

Not sure about who created God, that might get a bit sticky. Again, I don't think this mythology will go that deep. All I'm interested in the end his how God is got rid of, and hope the boys don't loose their lives in the process.


Very true.

I have more theories/question topics I wanted to post I wrote from my rewatch. But like this one, some might be sticky because of how the later seasons are written.

Hard to believe the show returns in a week or so.


I know, at the same time I am so very exited, but also really depressed at the same time. That come November that will be it. I've been watching this show for 12 years, and finding something else to watch that grabs me in the same way as this has, are few and far between. I'm not a fan of dark winter nights, and this show sort of helped me get through them, it lifted my sprits pardon the pun, some say I suffer from S.A.D but who knows. My boys are so precious, and never want to forget them.


I'm with you. I've been watching since the beginning and it didn't take too many episodes for me to get hooked. One silver lining is if it hadn't been for Covid the show would have ended last spring. So we get to enjoy them more. I did realize that they were bringing back characters as a farewell/thankyou and loved seeing them.

One question still bugs me. Who created God and Amara?? Was it the creature from the black empty? I could see just God but he had a sister. Was she created from a rib from God?? One can go nuts on this topic.


Biblically, wasn't Adam and Eve involved in producing God or was that Jesus? I keep thinking about Joshua, wouldn't he have knowledge of something like this? This to me, is where the story telling falls a bit flat. Because the writers are not delving into God's family Tree. Only as far as the Arch Angels and Amara.
