I'm curious to know how others think this show will end. I see many theories that are the same, Cas will die, both or one of the boys will die, Jack will take over heaven. I've read a few that Billie is behind everything.
I wouldn't put anything past Billie either. Maybe she wants revenge after the boys killed Death...
I have a few scenarios up my sleeve, but the one I thought about and explained to a friend the other day was that I thought about the title. And the song Carry on keeps going around in my head.
'CARRY ON'.....
A thought occurred to me yesterday, about the title of the finale. Carry on. Now to me I assume that if they carry on, neither of the brothers die? Or am I missing something big here? The theme for the show is Carry on my Wayward son, let there be peace when you are done? But then when you break that down to just Carry on that puts a whole new light on it all! They might die, but are they then bought back? 'We have work to do??? ..... Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more. But then the lay your head to rest bit doesn't really fit in with the song lyrics. Maybe I'm over thinking, but I've worked around songs before and I've been right.
We know how the theme tune has been with us for 15 long years, and ending the series finale with that title MUST have some real meaning, just like Swan Song did when Sam and and Adam jumped into the pit, remember! I also have a feeling something like that might go down too.
Jack is the King here, he is the one to watch, that Billie is training him up as we know to defeat God. I also think that there will still be some huge battle between God and Jack. Jack lost the last time and ended up in the empty. But Jack is now much stronger and has more power behind him. He I hope knows how to handle that power. I wonder if Jack ends up killing all three leads, first with Cas, then Dean and finally Sam, or both of them together. But then Jared recently said they are both not in the final scene at the end yikes!
I also keep thinking since Jensen told us his story about his dream about selling Baby meeting a man and handing over his keys, and he goes off on a motorbike. I thought that was so, so sad.
My other old thought I'd had for years was that Sam and Dean are sitting in a bar, all grey and old, Dean looks out towards the sun shinning through the window and sees John, Mary and Bobby standing there, John lifts his hat of his head and lays it back down again. Sam asks Dean what's wrong and before he could say oh nothing, they all disappear like ghosts. They find an article in the local paper and Dean says shall we take it. They head off in baby and as Dean pulls out of the parking space he say's 'We have work to do'. The car skids up the old dirt track sun beaming down and they smile at one another and the screen goes black!
I dont really have a big theory to conclude, I can only think of things I don't want to see. I feel a little out of the loop at times, because I don't agree with a lot of the fandom and how they look at the show and the characters. I've only been watching the show live for 5 years and I haven't been "satisfied" with the storyline choices and how they proceed with them, most of the time. In my last post was my basic predictions and theories for the next few episodes. There's been talk now of Cas dying in Episode 18, but speculation that he's filmed a scene for Episode 20. I still think they are going to deal with the Chuck situation in Episode 19 and Episode 20 will wrap up the show.
I don't like the idea of Sam and Dean ending the series being split up, also Jack to wine up being the new "God" (whatever that is at this point), but if that's what the writers decide to do with Jack, OK. I've read theories that Sam dies and Dean lives a normal life, they both live and carry on, they both die and go to a shared heaven. There's so many options I cant just go with one. Maybe when we get to Episode 17 or 18 I'd feel more familiar with how I think the show could end.
I watched a video of a theory that Dean dies as a sacrifice and then years later, Sam dies and joins him in heaven. Because there is a photo of Jared and Jensen in front of an Impala with Kansas plates and it kind of mirrors the Pilot. I'd be OK with that ending and it would still leave open a story in between that time for them to return in a series or movie. And honestly, even if they do die and go to heaven and all that, a series/movie could have them be brought back by someone or something.
I love the idea of your video theory that is rather cool, and it just jogged my memory when you mentioned the photo, I seem to think that I've seen it. Maybe them dying separately might be okay in the end.
Jensen said a while back that he didn't like the ending until he talked to Eric and he said that he was too close to it. Too on top of it. I guess what he meant was with his emotions? Jensen seemed to feel differently and better once he went back a second time and those words seemed to change his mind. So what ever it is, he appears to be happy with it now.
I've been watching the show since early season 4 I used to channel hop, then saw a couple of full episodes and was hooked. So I've a vested interest in how it does end. I've always wanted to know how these boys rap it up. I can see it being bloody the red stuff when it happens. I just have a strong hunch its not gonna be nice. As long as I get a Winchester hug, I will be happy. We should have a good old natter after the finale and see if we have similar ideas...
I forgot to say, Heaven is closed so they won't be going to heaven according to Cas when he spoke to Naomi. So either they end up back in Hell, Purgatory or the Empty which is where Cas is I guess.
I remember Jensen talking at a Con about a dream of the end of the show. Sam has died and he sells, or exchanges the Impala because he doesnt need a passenger anymore. Tbh that doesn't sound like Dean though and I'm not sure how old this "idea" was. Perhaps, Jensen has always see Sam dying and not Dean, so wouldn't his character dying upset him? Also, if he didn't like the ending, it all depends on what he thought/thinks should happen to Sam and Dean. For all we know, he thought he and Sam should die, but they live and he didn't understand why they should live...but I don't think he'd be that disappointed by the ending if they lived.. However, I think this can be twisted either way and how we think it could end. But it is "closure" of how he talked to Eric about it.
I mostly only watched Charmed growing up and then when it was over I was in college and didn't have time for television. I honestly don't remember seeing any promotion for Supernatural either. Not one commercial, knowing anyone that watched it - nothing. I was actually so surprised at how popular it was and how "invisible" something can be if you don't know about it or pay much attention to it. Like now that I've been aware of the show, I see it all over.
If everything is restored with ...Jack taking over, I don't see why heaven wouldn't be reopened and I definitely don't think the show is going to end without a heaven and ghosts/ the dead at peace.
But then one loop hole in the show still bugs me. That do you remember a few seasons back they talked about the veil and people that were dying couldn't get into heaven. Now Kevin is still stuck in that veil, and they never really went back to it and clear it up. So is he still there?
I was a fan of Charmed too, and still watch re-runs when its on. Its a similar feel to Supernatural and the all female cast gave it a different vibe. Misha has also been on it, and he looked so young back then ha! I loved it so much back in the day.
Your correct about the Impala story, that's how I remember Jensen telling it that it was a recurring dream. Whether he still wanted that to happen, none of us really know. If either one of them goes, either one of them is going to be rigid with guilt over it, and have to carry on, on their own. There you go I said Carry On, which is the title for the finale... I just hope to god its not too tacky and cheap this show deserves much better than that.
As you've said and I think we've discussed this before that if they do die, nothing ever stays dead. Jack has the power now at his disposal to bring them back. He did try with Mary and got it wrong, he wasn't also strong enough. I would love to know what Billie has in store for him and if the boys get wind of what's going down and try and stop him?
Well, like I said if and when they deal with Chuck the show needs to fix loose ends. Angels need their wings, heaven needs to be open and that stupid veil needs to be done with. Nothing like that should stay.
That's how my brother told me about the show, he said it's like Charmed meets The X Files and I like both of the shows.
Billie's big "plan" has been spaced out so much people tend to forget about it. I don't even think the writers know and that's why it's been so dragged out. Or they don't want us to know the big plan because it might be too revealing for the end? I don't know. It's been a looooooooooooonnnnnggggggggggggg summer/break, I just what to know
As much as I love and adore this show, the writers tend to have this problem that before the end of the season I've said this before that its like its a race to get to the finish line and can't cram it all in, then it bleeds into the next season which is wrong. They also as you say space story lines out, for what reason still baffles me. I think sometimes they need to communicate more in the writers room. Some said back on IMDb that there never was a writers room like other TV shows do when the cast and crew all meet up and slash it out, so they have a plan A, B and even sometimes C if for whatever reason something fails, they have a back up.
I hate knocking this show sometimes, but there are cobwebs if you look closely enough, like time management is a biggy for me. Once the show is over, I think its on my bucket list to go back and watch the whole 15 years again. I also want to go on you-tube and watch fans reactions to the last ever episode that is always fun to do as it puts another perspective on it, and sometimes you pick up things that you didn't realise happened.
Nice idea, because I didn't like the way that they wrapped that story line up, it felt a bit odd. They did suit one another. There was certainly chemistry there.
I've seen a few people wanting Sam and Eileen to have a relationship because why else did they bring her back?
I really think they brought her back, because they were righting their wrong. The way they killed off Eileen was so off putting and conflicting with her story. She went back to Ireland, but then returned to US to be killed (overly dramatically and yet ridiculously) by a hellhound? It was stupid.
I don't have a problem with Sam and Eileen, many people want it and a few are still saying Sam should be with Jessica in the end. But I'm not sure if Eileen has even returned to film another episode (?)
Either way how the show ends I think it's going to be more of an emotional ending vs. a heartbreaking ending
I'm expecting something random. The problem is the writers don't seem to be going for consistency in the canon of the show. Remember when Dean said they were going to kill God, well that ignored the explanation by Amara in season 11 that when God ceased to exist that the universe would cease to exist. So already the writers are ignoring what has already been written... with that being the case who knows what random ending they will come up with.