MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Last 7 episodes predictions-spoilers

Last 7 episodes predictions-spoilers

15.14 Last Holiday. We already know this episode is supposed to feature all of the holidays to celebrate, but is this going to be in 5 minutes flash or act by act? Also, will there be a case too, or is this a hang out episode? Im not really sure, but the photos make me believe the entire episode will be in the Bunker, so maybe a hang out, laid back episode.

15.15 Gimme Shelter. This makes me think of an old friend or ally needing help. But it can also be an mow innocent who needs help.

15.16 Drag Me Away (From You). This is the ep with a young Sam and Dean and their first case. Billie also appears in this episode. First off, I dont know what casting was thinking with these actors, they look nothing like Sam or Dean, or even matches to the younger actors who've already portrayed younger versions of the boys. But from the newer trailers you can clearly see these boys and a young ghost boy wearing the does that mean Dean was a ghost when he was young??

15.17 Unity. Chuck, Amara and Uriel all appear in this episode. So im guessing its going to be a mythology ep leading to the end of the series. Is Amara going to make a stand? Will she die? I know Chuck said they needed the other to exist, but that could be a lie. Chuck could even absorb Amara, i dont know. Uriel could be a flashback to give us some insight of Chuck in season 4. I still hope Chuck isn't God, but we need development of him being this way in the early seasons and here's their chance. Or he could just be back.

15.18 The Truth, originally titled, Despair. I dont know why the title was changed, but Despair alone sounds like loss, like someone will die. Its also the last episode I found Cas to be credited. I feel like this episode is going to give us some kind of answers, hopefully. Or it could just be the boys process, that they've had loss and the truth is they need to do what they've always do or need to do. The other thing is, Billie is in this episode, not Chuck, so what is Billie hiding, could she possibly be the real villain?

15.19 Inherit the Earth. Jensen had said this is like a season finale, both Chuck and Michael appear. Is this the end of the Chuck story? Is Jack going to kill Chuck? Will Earth be revamped?

15.20 Carry On. If the Chuck storyline is wrapped up I can only see this as the boys planning out whats left for them to do, or depends on however 15.19 ends. Also, Bobby is listed for this episode. Could this just be a remembrance episode?

The other thing is, other appearances may not have been released. I know the last 2 episodes were rewritten due to covid. In my EW. Charlie is supposed to be in 15.18, so we'll see. Plus, I can't imagine Cas not being in the last 2 episodes.


I was reading some fan comments on you-tube the other day and they were peed that Cas wasn't listed for the last episode so judging by this, he's not and the Empty have him, as that's where his fate seems to lie. Would hate to loose Cas but it appears more and more likely now. Tissues please ....

I just get a hunch everyone dies except Jack who inherits the Earth which makes perfect sense.
