This Supernautral EVE!

We as a fandom are about to walk into our LAST ever Premier. :( :( :(
What are you hoping to expect? not expect; what little surprises do you think will surface? And will the almighty God be put in his place? Will the Winchesters not let him walk all over them? How will they defeat the almighty!

I did hear that the God story would end after three episodes, so then what's to follow in the last ever 17 episodes. Can they afford to bring in a new plot so late in with all these loose ends to tie up. Do you think those ends will all be tied up?

Thoughts on this EVE of all EVE's .......


Honestly... I don't want to expect anything. I want to enjoy myself. I watch many shows and the last few years, I have been quite critical. So, far I have been doing pretty good and taking in the show and enjoying what I can out of it. Sorry, to switch gears, but I was hard on Supernatural from Season 12-14, though, there were things I liked, there was more I didn't like.

Where did you hear the God story would end after 3 episodes??? it is classic Supernatural to end the prior finales big cliffhanger within the first 3 episodes of the next season. If that is true, depending on what happens, the boys maybe will still have to deal with the ghosts that were unleashed. Though, releasing this news would surprise me as many articles I saw said the same thing, about Chuck being the big bad this season and returning things/characters. Will a deal be made or something?

They have brought in new plots and I feel like I've seen many shows that came to an end, wrote in a last story to tie in with its ending, maybe they'll do that. Though, we all know this isn't the final-final end. Both Jensen and Jared seem like they want to come back one day.


We must be the only two that watch this show now.
There was a sneak peek, but I didn't want to watch it as we are down to hours.


On the old IMDb board we used to call none posters, lurkers. So I can imagine many lurkers are in the wind somewhere reading what we've typed and having a chuckle here and there! There are still three other posters I know who frequent here, AC, Lilmac, and Ghostboy. So five posters on one board ain't bad! I know what you mean about watching the sneak peak. You don't want to spoil those last ever moments.

I read about God being over when Bob Singer mentioned it during the summer after Comic-con so your looking back at mid July. So things might have changed and progressed, they might have changed their minds. I would hate them to do a demon Dean on us, as God has the potential to run all season imo! I love this plot.


i can’t wait. i’m taping and will watch later tonight. i hope the boys will be okay.


Sure they will be, they win every single time. I'm watching tomorrow night so hope you all love it.


I have it on my DVR. I might have to wait until tomorrow


Don't hurry. I watched it and it fell flat. Not sure what the problem was with the show but it just felt like they were going through th motions. Not going to spoil it for you with any details, but if things don't change for the better in a few episodes I may call it quits before the show actually ends... I've waded through some really bad story lines over the years, but even when the stories were on thin ice you got feeling that the cast was still giving it their all. I swear it felt like some of the actors were just dialing it in.


I watched late last night and didnt like it that much. I didnt like Sam asking Cas a stupid question if he can bring back Jack. I didnt like demon Jack, I dont think Alex did this awesome job at playing a different character as everyone is saying. He had a few good lines, but the majority of his dialogue was so bad.
The extra actresses they had were bad at acting. That cop was the only one that seemed to know what he was doing.
I thought bloody mary looked horrible. All those ghosts looked really bad, like 4 idiots in costumes in broad daylight. They didnt even flicker like ghost should. It just looked hokey to me.
There were a few things I did like, but right now I'm only focusing on what was bad.


Was also confused on why they tried to bring back ghosts from past episodes but weren't willing to get the original actor or at least just use a ghost that was so made up you couldn't tell who the actor was, while they had the right bloody Mary they got a different woman in white which was silly since the woman in white isn't covered in makeup or anything to hide the person so it was obvious she was not the same woman in white.


I did watch it Sammi, and its okay. Nothing major happened in the clip. Guess you've seen the premier by now. How did it fair? Not bothered about spoilers.


i liked it. a good setup episode of what is to come.


I've just seen it, and was impressed by a number of points. And such a throw back to season 1. Great to see old directors come back and you could see their old skills at work. Not sure about seeing the old FBI shirts back again? Demon Jack was interesting and Jack can act another character. Some are saying he's baby Crowley? I loved the spell that Jack put across the village to hold the spirits in. Shame the cop had to die. I loved the little girl at the end saying thank you to Sam for saving them. Sam is injured, what will this cause down the line? I don't like the look of that wound. Sam hates Clowns, he handled that Ghost Clown very well, even though it resulted in another injury. The end scene bro moment was Ace! My boys are BACK!!


I did enjoy Demon Jack last night!


i did too.


Gotta give credit for the graveyard scene fight. Thought that was well done.

The ghosts? In particular Bloody Mary and the Woman in White? Way to film them so that there isn’t a shred of mystery or terror, Show.

I liked it for the most part. I do like NuJack. Curious as to where they are going with him. I did not like how they wrote Dean plot stupid when it came to shoving Gods gun into an unlocked glove compartment under the obviously watchful eyes of a unusually powerful demon they just met. Yeah, that’s not going to come around and bite them in their pretty little asses any time soon. The only other alternative is Dean did it intentionally as a test for NuJack.
