Season 13 of Supernatural
So, throughout Season 12 everyone was expecting Jack to be bad, the villain of the season. He ended up being helpful/good. I like and dislike the idea of Jack becoming the ongoing character. I feel the main reason they did this was to bring in new (young) character, but wanted him to be likable to the audience and give the boys a break here and there.
I really enjoyed The Big Empty, Advanced Thanatology, Tombstone & Scoobynatural. There were a few good/decent filler episodes, but many leaned into B/side stories.
Asmodeus....the last of the Princes of Hell, who idolized the Colonel from KFC. Because of that I couldn't take this guy seriously or him being a real threat. He was able to capture Cas & Lucifer and has strange abilities, but I wish he was more of a villain. He barely did anything. He almost brought back the Shedim with Jack's help, but, that didn't follow through. He was just a wasted bad guy, who didn't get anything done. Oh, but that stupid retcon of Gabriel.
Dont get me wrong, I like Gabriel as a character, but it was a bad story imo. This ruined Gabriel's sacrifice in Season 5 and now to me that episode is shyt, it no longer matters. They end up using Gabriel the same way, to die, again. We cant take any deaths seriously anymore.
Like both Rowena and Ketch being alive too. I'll admit, I'm fine with Rowena still being alive, but Ketch? Oh, he happened to be in contact with Rowena to keep him alive AND he's working for Asmodeus. I'm sorry, but that's not just bad writing, it's lazy writing. Lastly, Naomi was written back in. I will have to say though, her death in S8 made no sense. A drill into her vessels head? Still, a very huge plothole. If Metetron really wanted her gone....
I was OK with the AU storyline, but I wasnt happy with some choices of characters returning. Also, the difference of characters and would they even still be alive? Kevin for example. Would he still even become profit? I honestly don't think so. Charlie is at least different, but I didn't expect her to still be alive in this world. My biggest complaint is how similar AU Bobby is to "our" Bobby. I would think he'd have a certain trait that differs AU Cas.
I didn't like the poor execution of "Patience" and Missouri Moseley's death. I thought how they killed her off was disrespectful and pushed her out of the way to make room. Like it was too difficult for the writer to have all these characters in one room. Wouldn't it have been better to see Missouri actually have a scene with her son and granddaughter? Make her death mean something like a sacrifice, instead of giving up and taking it? How annoying.
Supernatural's midseason finale should've been Devil's Bargain. Giving us a backdoor pilot in place of the shows mid point was a big mistake. I thought The Bad Place, was one of the worst episodes I've ever seen. I still have a headache from it and Kai's 3 screams for some reason had to be on replay. You don't want to force this Wayward Sisters too far in our faces, I know many women like it, but it was SJW down my throat with a grain of salt. If The Bad Place/Wayward Sisters was spaced out in some way, or one big episode in the 2nd half of the season, it would've been more accepted. At least I think it would've been. Wayward Sisters, wasn't that bad of an episode, but It was too, "women saving men" shoved in my throat that it came off cringe worthy. The teaser with Claire and her forcefulness to be in crossfire was overdone.
There are things I really like about Season 13, some things I prefer went a different way