MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Season 6 of Supernatural

Season 6 of Supernatural

I don't understand why this season is SO at the bottom. I've read or watched videos of people not liking it because they didn't think the Purgatory was properly set up...then I guess you weren't paying attention. Also, that the writers didn't know what they were doing, that's how I feel about the recent seasons, because of the constant confusion and dropped storylines.

I actually liked soulless Sam and it was interesting to see Dean off of the hunting train. I didn't really understand the point or reason for Samuel's return, but later I was like ohhh, OK. But he totally betrayed his grand kids. Dean's constant, "I'm going to kill you" was too much, because there are worse people out there that you work with later...but THIS is the end of the line for Samuel.

Mannequin 3: The Reckoning was the worst episode and it wasn't because of the plot for me anyway, it was the mannequin's shitty ways of killing people, like it wasn't executed well. Also, the boring Ben/Lisa side story, I wish it would've stopped coming up so much.

Lisa really pissed me off when she told Dean, he could never be happy because Sam is alive. IMO Dean and Lisa's relationship was complete dry, dull and had zero chemistry. I don't think this show has room for love interests, but these two never said the big love yous to each other, so I don't really believe it was that deep. Dean held onto them because of the normalcy and the feeling of protecting a family that I think reminded him of his mother (Lisa) and brother (Ben) as if they were "replicas" for those two people who mean the most to him. That kid Ben was a cool kid back in Season 3, but here he was a whiny brat. I really couldn't stand their scenes.

The lady from purgatory - Elle, that had a thing with Bobby, her backstory was a problem because it wasn't fully developed. If she was this supposed creature from purgatory that killed HP Lovecraft, why was she so easy to kill in the end?? I can only assume she got too used to the "normal" life and Crowley and Cas had weapons that were able to kill her....but still it feels so unbelievable and last minute.

Overall, even considering what annoyed me or didn't like, I don't like it to put too much weight on an entire season. It's really not fair to it. I for one liked the storyline of Purgatory, Eve, and even Cas working with Crowley. Also, Cas going "rogue" wasn't much of a shocker for me and it wasn't because I knew about it. He is an angel and sooner or later all characters have a dark side or go there. If that's why people didn't like this season smh


The reason I don't care for the season is despite there being some good ideas presented in the season (soulless Sam, purgatory, Eve) is that the execution just didn't do justice to any of the concepts.

Soulless Sam could have been great...but feels under played or played for laughs rather than unsettling and sinister.
The Mother of all Monsters could have been a great villain.....but again under used and really didn't do much.

The Cas/Crowley team up thing would have been better if it had been introduced sooner or more focus on them. I also couldn't really take the whole civil war in heaven thing seriously when there was zero attempt at showing it. I know there is budget restraints but still....

The monsters this season pissed me off....all of them were just people with different coloured eyes. I still roll my eyes when I think of the "dragons" and the "Arachnoid" creatures.

The return of the extended family...again didn't seem to amount to anything...they all died and barely contributed anything to the plot and ultimately weren't needed, if Sam had gotten a band of random hunters together to track down the Alphas for Crowley and due to his lack of soul got them all killed...they could have had at least some significance to the Sam character arc. (Maybe they did tie into one of the arcs somehow....but I haven't watched the season since it aired so I forget if they did)

Season 6 could have been better if it trimmed down the plotlines such as the none war in heaven and instead just focused on soulless Sam and the Alphas wanting to unleash Eve. So, instead of upping the stakes every season with a potential end of the world scenario, we get a simple personal conflict between the brothers that has a supernatural edge to it.

Lisa and Ben...should have died that would be the only thing to justify their existence....
