Topic - Characters - Sam and Dean
I thought about starting a topic thread on Characters. However, the thread gets too long, so a thread a character(s). I feel I might be talking to myself, or doing this solo, if so, so be it. Create a character thread, whether you like them or not, tell a story if you'd like about them. Hopefully more people join in. It's "Summer" so I thought it would be good to have Supernatural discussions along with a Re-watch of the series.
I'm going to start with Sam and Dean. I don't necessarily have a favorite, but I see many fellow viewers be as they say a "Sam's girl" - I don't like to think as myself as a characters girl, but to each their own. In the beginning of the series, I "drifted" towards Sam more because I was familiar with Jared. Also, I felt I followed his character more in the beginning of the show. I had no idea who Jensen Ackles was, though I did see him star in My Bloody Valentine (Remake) first with my brother and he's like, hey it's Dean. I would say I eventually became a Dean "fan" and it's mostly because on how he's always been looking out for Sam since the Pilot. As for Sam, I hate how he's been a punching bag for the show, but I feel both of the brothers have been through a lot. I'm not sure how their story is going to end, but I think whatever happens they have to be together. I mean, if one dies, no-they cannot be separated.