How do you see this season ending? Are they planning to turn Jack into a villain and is that who the boys will have to "defeat" by the end of the season? Will they be able to save Jack? Could he be the character that's going to get killed off? Many questions..
I don't hate Jack, but I feel his story has become "unwelcomed" in a way, it's run out. Being the son of Lucifer you think they'd be repercussions. He could always go down the dark road and come back good.
14.18 Absence - Sam and Dean continue to worry about the condition of Jack’s soul.
(This episode seems to be the search for Jack and it doesn't look like Nick is gone for good, unless maybe only Jack is seeing him. See what happened to Mary, she is credited along with AU Bobby and Rowena).
14.19 Jack in the Box - Sam, Dean and Castiel investigate a string of suspicious deaths that have a biblical element to them. (It sounds like they are going to put Jack in the box, but it could be a play on words).
14.20 Moriah - Sam, Dean and Castiel are thrown into an epic battle. Meanwhile, Jack becomes disenchanted with all the lies, and an old friend from the past shows up (God/Chuck?). (Not sure if these 2 run together. Is there "epic battle" - Jack, or is there someone else?)
I don't get the negativity for Jack? So many want to see him killed off and this irks me just a tad. He's fitted in really well and in some cases to me, better than Mary coming back into the fold. Just because he's the son of a bad guy, why do they have to turn him bad, just to prove that obvious point. I think something somewhere has upset him inside.
I remember when Sam was soulless and he was way more brutal than Jack is. But then Sam wasn't the one with angel powers in toe. Remember when Sam tried to kill Bobby in the cellar, what a fight. Trying to do deals with Baltizar, the list goes on. I don't feel again they are fleshing out his soulless side that much and using it maybe just to show us he can use his powers, and we've not forgotten he sometimes has them.
I do wonder if Jack will end up in the Malok box, I just can't get that thought out of my head. I really don't want them killing him off or abandoning the character as he's come too far to be written off now.
I get the liking towards Jack, but I wasn't too thrilled with him sticking around at first, as the kid did grow on me as Season 13 continued and we knew where Jack's loyalty was with - the Winchesters. Jack's biggest problem is wanting to help, which might sound a tad rude. But, it always gets him into trouble, the kid tries too hard. Jack's ability is his strengths/useful, but it's also his weakness/can be deadly. In his mind, he is still a child. Like when he was showing those teenagers, "Look what I can do" twirl a giant blade around all of you. He always wants to impress and that might get someone killed, for good, or get himself killed.
One of my problems with Jack sticking around, is he fit the casting of a "baby Oliver" into the show, which shows tend to do in a shows last few seasons. They bring in a younger actor, for some reason. Like Billie on Charmed, ugh. Give the main actors some breaks, less monster of the week episodes, and sadly it shows. Some times it feels like, The Jack Show. I'd rather seen more Jack though, than more Nick and/or Lucifer. Leave the horse alone. Maybe Nick was the main character to be killed off..
I cant really compare Sam to Jack, because if it came down to it, Dean would always save Sam. But I do agree that both of the boys have gone down the dark road. Even Cass has too. So, with Jack becoming "bad" doesn't necessarily mean it's the end for him and he can always get redemption for himself. I don't think they are just going to throw in the towel and say, well Jack, you're a loose canon, so you're going to die, now. But I think if it comes down do it and Jack goes fully dark side, they might have to.
That's true in what you say, just because he goes down a dark road doesn't mean they will end him. I wasn't comparing Sam to Jack just in their conditions they were both soulless and share very different traits if that makes any sense. I also get what your trying to say about 'The Jack Show', but I think over time Jack has really come along nicely into his own little character. He's gone into so much danger, and beaten it. He's managed to get Dean to like him which I honestly thought to start with would be an impossibility, and now look at them they are slowly bonding and its nice to see them getting along. I've loved how all four men have become a unit since Crowley/Mark left, and also to have a younger spirit around the place helps keeps the boys young and Jack certainly keeps them on their toes. I would really miss him if he wasn't around I feel like he's become part of the furniture in just under a couple of years is great, and to see him grow as a character.