MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Celebrating the 300th Episode

Celebrating the 300th Episode

The SPN Family celebrated the 300th episode. I wonder what they are doing...
What do you hope for in the 300th episode? And what do you think they are going to do?

The 100th episode honestly felt like any other episode, though Season 5 was alone pretty great.

The 200th episode was very musical, where I thought they honored the show. I know many people didn't like it though.


I can barely remember the 100th episode without looking It up. How terrible am I?
The 200th basically they can stick it as looking back I still think it was bar on awful again how terrible am I?
I just HOPE they pull something out of the bag to impress me so much without thinking later down the line after reading other fans views it will change my mind to something I will regret. How terrible am I?

I so look forward to these events with great enthusiasm only to be left utterly and totally flat and very disappointed. This team work so damned hard and want success for them so badly and feel I am whipping a dead horse sometimes. I hate knocking my favourite show, but when it airs, I just want it to overwhelm me like episodes used too. Sorry to disappoint your thread Sammi, but the 200th for me was just a waste and rather pointless. It didn't move the story along, and for a stand alone it felt like a fan service for the younger audience not us mature fans? Maybe I am expecting too much.

Am I alone in thinking this?


No you aren’t alone. I was hoping for something so much better. What we did get was creative just not worthy of the 200th episode. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY CUT DEMON DEAN OFF JUST AS HE WAS GETTING INTERESTING!


No worries Bella. We all have our opinion. I wasn't watching the show live, so I might've had the same reaction as you. I do agree, that it wasn't a 200 milestone episode. It was very stand alone with a lot of comedic force to it. I could be a bit biased because I'm a sucker for musicals.

I don't think you are knocking down your favourite show - you just have so much dedication/passion for SPN is all.

I used to be a huge fan of Criminal Minds and I find myself pushing it down so much because I know it's so much more capable of doing better than what it's become! It's 300th was a joke.


Thanks for being so supportive. I hate grumbling, like as you said yourself you want so much more for your favourite show. I am a fan of musicals, but it just wasn't what I wanted for SPN. If they had done a rock musical maybe that might have hit more of a note a cord maybe. Because it fits with the premise of the show, Dean loves rock music and chooses it. I am dedicated, you're right. Again why I find it so hard to moan on occasion. At least you can see why I moan, and not be a horrible troll or something. I am desperate not to feel disappointed and left deflated. Thinking WTF happened? I haven't read much spoilers so don't have a clue what is in store, does anyone else?


Even if we disagree at times, SPN Fans gotta stick together...or is that too corny?

I understand ALL what you're saying. This show used to be very on top of Rock Music, but seemed to go in a different direction. The problem with shows that have lasted this long. It's great, but it forgets occasionally.

I keep trying to find something about the 300th, but hasn't been released yet and I don't think we'll really know until January. I just hope I can enjoy it whatever they do.


Ill stick just as long as you don’t shower me with Musca goo... ;)


I don’t think it so much forgets as can’t afford the good stuff budget wise


I agree with AC Budget has always been a huge issue with this show which is one reason why we don't get the regular music that we used to get. I remember Jensen saying ages ago that it was gonna change, and it hasn't we are lucky if we get 10 tracks a season. I love this team of writers currently though they are impressing me. It was just that 200th that stuck in my throat. Sammi maybe news will come in January, and I agree with you we are bound to disagree just as much as agree on something, but on the whole we are all so friendly and get what we each say when we share our voices, because we are addicted and love this show. Which is fundamental. I love that word ever since Crowley used it. I so miss Crowley, anyone else!


I'll keep my eyes open for future episodes as I've been posting. I miss Crowley and his way with words.


Thanks Sammi, it will be really interesting to see this time what something special they will come up with. Mark Shepperd new how to deliver those one-liners and that's what I loved about him, he's gonna be sorely missed.


You might already know this but, who is writing the 300th: Andrew Dabb and Meredith Glynn; Robert Singer is directing.

The episode before is called Prophet and Loss

From this, it sounds like it's going to be an episode on it's "mythology/Michael" storyline vs. a stand alone like 200th was.


Meredith is teaming up with Dabb already like the sounds of this! I love her writing, her and Bob Berens are my favs! Prophet and Loss sounds very interesting, will that lead us into the 300th? As long as its not a musical episode I am a happy bunny. Mythology has always been my bag and long for it to be in the 300th episode.

Keep digging for info Sammi....


From what I just read, Time Travel will be into play for the 300th ep.
Where we'll see a different version of Cas.


Soon as I started reading about a character comeback possible return, my head instantly thought Adam. No other actor playing him, straight up Jake Abel. I am so thrilled if they touch on this loose canon. Also the thought of a time travel episode fills me with joy as when ever they do one, its bloody good, so on both points am a happy bunny so far! Keep them coming...


I thought they were hinting it would be more an episode where we get the view of outsiders of the boys doing regular non hunter things. Grocery shopping, laundry, that type of idea.


I'm up for that too, as long as its not another musical!


Time really flies. Feels like it wasn't that long ago we had the 200th episode.

I'd like episode 300 to be a comedic one. If they could get Ben Edlund back to write it, that'd be great.


I liked the 100th episode because it kept to the mytharc and it was interesting. 200th episode just crowdedout the DemonDean storyline which could have been so much more interesting between he and Sam. Such a wasted opportunity.


Yeah, DemonDean was pretty much an aborted arc. It seems like over the past few seasons they drag out dull, repetitive plotlines and cut short really promising ones.


I'm looking forward to 300. Since they're on a Michael storyline, I'm wondering if it will be about that.

I'm one of those that like the 200th episode. So sorry Bella but it's true. At one of the conventions, Jensen said they were going to pack it with almost everything fans liked about in the series. They had monster of the week, Baby, the amulet, all the characters we know and loved (Dean, Sam, Bobby, Cas, Mary, demons, Adam and best of all Chuck). The at the end the "cast" singing "Carry on Wayward Son". So yes I'm a "fan".


Don't get me wrong, I did like bits, but they were small bits in comparison to what we normally get when we get a real good Supernatural strong episode. I didn't raise Demon Dean as I didn't want to feel I was over moaning which isn't like me at all. AC is correct that it felt like DemonDean was cut short in order to put this crap fest on. If DD were allowed to continue Jensen could have pulled out so, so much more with DD and I feel Michael/Dean is getting the same treatment. I think Michael hasn't left and we again maybe surprised which I have pointed out before. I still think he's in Dean and bidding his time to strike. I think those stand out episodes need to be well written, creative and entertaining, and feel as a fan the 200th lacked in those important areas.
