Previously Established Rules Mean Less and Less with Each Passing Season
Since when is Cas unable to see demons? It has been shown again and again that he sees their true face, regardless of a vessel. Yet, he was unable to see any demons in the bar. Further, the vessel is killed with the demon or angel. That has always been the rule, but now [spoiler]Lucifer's vessel somehow survived, even though it pretty much perished as soon as he entered it, since it was not strong enough to hold him in the first place.[/spoiler] Little things like that are what's destroying this show.
Worse, when did demons become cowardly impotent lumps of nothing, all in utter fear of the almighty Sam? Give me a break. That whole seen was pathetic.
Don't even get me started on the whole "Team Winchester" thing they have going on in the bunker. I guess CW writers all share one brain and the Team Arrow and Team Flash formulas now have to infest this show as well. Every single show is becoming the same exact thing. No imagination at all. Now we can watch them "train" everyone. You know it's coming....
If someone is going to be a writer for a long running series they should be required to actually watch the series.