Wayward Sisters?

What are people's thoughts on the episode?

I enjoyed it, I am looking forward to more. I think the spin-off has potential to become a fun supernatural show. Sure, it won't be as great as the original, but there's a lot of potential with these new characters and dynamics that I look forward to seeing where they go with it.

Also, it was refreshing to see actual monsters on the show again, as opposed to human looking monsters.


I didn't like it as much as I wanted to? To me, it felt too forced with Jody and Claire. I might have been more believing in the Claire thing if they would have put her in some more episodes prior to this. I do love Donna in this episode because she was just kind of calm yet fine with teaching the newbies the basics.

I wasn't surprised that the one responsible for tying up Sam and Dean was alt universe Kaia. I was wondering how she would fit in with the group in the long run. She's going to be fun to keep an eye on because is she or isn't she still a dream walker? And.....was she the original or was our Kaia the original?


I was typing a post about this episode whilst you already posted yours on the same subject ghostboy - so I’ll delete mine and add it to your thread......

I thought it was ok!

Definitely better than the awful Bloodlines one in Season 9.

I have always hated Claire so I find it hard to be impartial but I will admit that she didn’t annoy me as much as she normally does, which is something!

Her makeup and hair were just ridiculous though. She needs to be given a bit of a ‘make under’ - particularly that long, flowing and perfectly curled hair if they want us to believe she is ‘kicking ass and taking names’ as a Hunter.

I loved Donna.

I loved Kaia and was annoyed with what happened to her at the end.

I also felt that they didn’t develop the bond between Claire and her enough to warrant how Claire was affected by it all at the end too.

I don’t feel anything for Patience yet but I loved how Donna took her under her wing and showed her how to use a gun.

Jody seemed a bit off to me but I did enjoy the moment when she let Claire go off to look for the boys.

I love the premise of the show so will definitely watch when it airs but I hope they tweak it a bit and dial back on the ‘slow focus on Claire’ moments.

Oh - I really enjoyed the music at the start too.


I'm sure if the series is picked up they will improve on all the bits, you were displeased with.

I'd like to imagine this show becoming a real hit something along the lines of Charmed. I hope in the future we get an episode were each of the girls is focused on during a monster hunt.

For instance, Alex has to deal with her past when coming up against a pack of vampires. Maybe, there is a High School girl who is being led astray by her teacher who is actually a vampire and is looking for a "familiar" when his family hunt for prey.

Patience learning more of her powers and bonding with a dark psychic, I'm not sure how that would work, I guess a psychic who is able to predict the demise of a particular individual by setting them up to take a certain path that will lead to their premature death, then her collecting their essence to prolong her life or something like that.

Claire's ultimate challenge will be dealing with the new incarnation of Kaia, she has to overcome her recklessness and see that her actions not only put her in danger but causes ramifications for the people around her. I guess Kaia will have Jody, Donna and Alex kidnapped and brought to the other dimension, leaving Patience and Claire to find some solution to saving them. Patience has a vision that no matter what they do, one of them will have to die, so instead of Claire resolving things with violence or jumping head firest into action, Claire has to make a level-headed decision that requires calling her "father" or the Winchesters for help.


Claire felt like Faith (Buffy, Angel) in this episode without going totally bad.imo. Overall it was ok, not sure if it has the legs to walk as regular series.


Halestorm- Into the Fire was the song at the beginning​. Edit. The song is I Am the Fire.


I liked it. Looks like Patience has some learning to do since she didn't read her vision correctly. This seemed to the The Clair show but the way it was done brought all of them together. It's going to be fun to watch. And especially with AU Kaia being the baddie, it's going to be interesting to see them in action. Wonder if this Kaia is a Dreamwalker and if so maybe that's how they get Mary and Jack back.

I taped it and watched again. The ending shows the AU Kaia coming through a door so she is a dreamwalker. Interesting part is if she was then wonder how many AU's she's been to.


I don't think it was too bad - better than Bloodlines for sure.

I don't buy Claire being this "great" hunter, on her own, hunting things. I mean if the brothers didn't run into her during that werewolf episode, she would be dead or a werewolf.....

I didn't understand why Jody needed Claire to come home to find the brothers? But that's the whole point of this: to bring Claire home. I found Claire to be very selfish, ever since she was (re)introduced in Season 10 as this brat, with her tough girl act, that I was hoping would be retired by now, she's still this immature kid. Claire hasn't shown any real emotions or weakness to help her character evolve...and that's really the only huge downfall I see to wayward sisters. If anything, this spinoff opportunity is Claire's only hope to help her character grow into something likeable.

Was it just me, or did Claire and Kaia have this weird chemistry? They wanted them to build this "connection" so when Kaia died, Claire would want to get revenge for her death. I mean, they talked like what, twice?

Are we to assume (bad place) Kaia is from the bad place, or alternative universe? She seemed pretty well set up there, like a ninja. And apparently a dream walker too? I cant ignore that we were this close to Claire getting killed off...I know that's mean, but I'm sure I wasn't the only one thinking about it...

Jody didn't seem like Jody, it must've been Claire that affected her "performance"
I like how Alex was more involved, nice to see Donna join in

I didn't really think much of Patience, she was just there. But confused on how her "vision" went from Jody dying to Claire "dying"? Like that wasn't mentioned, did they change it, or did I miss something?

So, Kai was on the side of the road for 2 days???

The monster/creature things reminded of fifth element.

I think "Wayward Sisters" has potential but that being said, I don't know if it could last past 2 seasons, but who knows.
