As I posted on another site:
Good Grief....what did I sit through?
Jody - I love you, but you were worthless in this episode. Just hang around until your little speech at the end.....I know, I know....spin-off..
Dean - I love you, but other than your fight scene.......which you handled on your own....oh wait....yeah, you were warned....right? I fail to remember.
Sam - I love you, bravo for defending Jack and your willingness to give him a chance, but I want to see your grief too.
Jack - Please stand side by side with Sam while looking into a mirror.....yeah, see that head of hair right next to you? Puh-leze emulate that!
Castiel - Welcome back dude! I think. Depends on what they do with you. Oh wait, with you back, the brothers can leave Jack with you...please hurry back.
Missouri - Bye. Haven't seen or talked to the boys in a decade...who, to the world, are dead, mind you (right?), yet you just ring up Sam's cell. Other world contacts, I'll bet.
Patience - Sorry honey, you cannot act. You are restrained to a chair, have seen a vision of 3 people's death and the most you can do is....weakly yell? Blah.
Whoever directed this episode - Patience should have been squirming, rocking, and kicking and screaming in that chair....way not to build tension and suspense.
The Wraith - hello actor? Yeah, you need a new agent......
Blonde psychic whose name I don't remember - you were the best actress on my TV screen.
I may not have agreed with the ALL the storylines Carver chose or went with or agreed to or approved or wrote, but season 12 nearly did me in and 3 episodes in this season has me wishing for Cas, Rowena, Crowley, Benny, Kevin, pre-Dabb Jody.....Lucifer, go away. Mary, go with him.
I do like action and fight scenes, though.