MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Series/season 12 random POV (potential s...

Series/season 12 random POV (potential spoilers?)

Just making my way through this and daren't look at anything else on this board to avoid spoilers.... but then here I am possibly spoiling things for anyone else. Apologies. However, I have had a few burning, random thoughts/observations to share following the latest viewings (episodes 12 through to 14).

Ep 12: Ramiel - all I could think at times was Woody Harrelson for some reason haha!
Ep 14: For me (and memory) the most Walking Dead themed one so far just because of a)the set up b) the ineptitude of guards/open doors/inability to close doors; the 'eek' let's die tragically trying to fight/stop these growling (did they use the same sounds?!) biting 'people'.
The supporting character that was part way between some breeding of Nick Cave and Tom Hiddlestone's Loki (in looks).
Also, wow: so high tech and rich that 'temporary base' means fancy, designer outer space-like space station container mash-up.
Mick didn't even get his pocket kerchief out of place in all the kerfuffle, even though Dean seems to always have a handy one on his person to offer up as a quick bandage (Ep 13: in this case after a standard hand slicing for a spell). That'll be the handy Lumberjack shirt pockets!

In general the series so far...Jeez Louise, the 'British' Men of Letters. So smartly attired, so sophisticated, so well groomed (spray on stubble? Flawless make up much?)...but their accents! (you can tell one of the actors is from the right side of 'the pond') and all I can think of when I see the Ketch character is Ken doll!
