MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Supernatural Comes in 5th on the CW This...

Supernatural Comes in 5th on the CW This Year

In case anyone was interested, Supernatural came in 5th on the CW this year.

The Flash - 1.06 avg. demo (-22.75% vs. last year) | 2.840 avg. viewers (-19.58% vs last year)
Supergirl - 0.72 avg. demo (-56.90% vs. last year) | 2.356 avg. viewers (-69.34% vs. last year)
DC's LoT - 0.64 avg. demo (-20.37% vs. last year) | 1.810 avg. viewers (-16.50% vs. last year)
Arrow - 0.62 avg. demo (-34.51% vs. last year) | 1.755 avg. viewers (-29.48% vs. last year)
Supernatural - 0.60 avg. demo (-14.60% vs. last year) | 1.675 avg. viewers (-5.61% vs. last year)

The rest of the shows were all much lower in the ratings. The next one under Supernatural was Riverdale with 0.39 demo and 1.042 viewers.

What I find interesting is that aside from Jane the Virgin (at an avg. demo of 0.35 and drop of 6.62%), Supernatural dropped the least in their average demo ratings compared to last year.


That is interesting about the demo ratings. I guess that means that for now anyway we are holding steady. I would also like to see how we did comparatively in the DVR Live+7 ratings and in social media compared to the other CW shows. We always get better ratings in the 25-54 group. Unfortunately most SPN fans are aging out of the coveted 18-34 demo where we don't rate well at all.
