Deja vu

Now that I've slept on it, I am reminded how I felt during the final season of the old Highlander show. I loved that show and it was the first time I really got into fandom (even did a convention). They had great characters that they killed regularly and everyone but the star was a main/reoccurring (like Cas and Crowley). The season 5 finale ended with the death of a major character and set up a new direction for the show. Then season 6 came, the star lost interest in the show and wasn't even in some episodes. His character was marginalized and became a side character in most episodes. The show runners were desperate for a spin off and hurled back door pilot after back door pilot in at least 5 or 6 episodes. They ended the series with an it's a wonderful life episode with the star in an alt dimension and a lead in for a movie. When it was all said and done, all the back door pilots failed and they just spun off one of the few surviving reoccurring side characters they had left. It was a horrible end to the show I loved.

That's how I feel now, like it is happening again. I'm starting to believe that Mark S wanted off the show....maybe even Ruth as well. I have a strong feeling that this show is ending and season 13 will be nothing more then a desperate attempt at spinning the show off so Dabbs crew can keep working. Nothing I have seen this season makes me think the current writers have the ability or talent to turn this around. They obviously don't listen to the fans as so much of the feedback is negative. They seem to want to do the exact opposite of what many viewers want just to say what a great twist it is. They may have broken Jensen, he was the last one that could have put his foot down and ended this but he seems happy. It is all such a horrible waste.


Nothing I have seen this season makes me think the current writers have the ability or talent to turn this around. They obviously don't listen to the fans as so much of the feedback is negative. They seem to want to do the exact opposite of what many viewers want just to say what a great twist it is. They may have broken Jensen, he was the last one that could have put his foot down and ended this but he seems happy. It is all such a horrible waste.

Jensen has given up, it's so obvious he either doesn't care anymore or feels it's a losing battle so he's just taking the money and accepting his blatantly demoted role and riding it out to the end. Unfortunately, for Jensen's fans, we're not getting paid to watch this crapfest.

I agree that Dabb's just worried about how he's going to spin off this show, and the CW doesn't care enough to make a desperately needed change, so everyone is going through the motions until Dabb maybe cobbles together a product to try and take SPN's place. But he's such a terrible showrunner and writer - I mean, seriously, what the hell happened to him? - that it's not going to work and he's going to have wasted the final days/weeks of the original series' life for no good reason at all in the end.

So, yes, for all intents and purposes the show is over.


I agree that Dabb's just worried about how he's going to spin off this show, and the CW doesn't care enough to make a desperately needed change, so everyone is going through the motions until Dabb maybe cobbles together a product to try and take SPN's place. But he's such a terrible showrunner and writer - I mean, seriously, what the hell happened to him? - that it's not going to work and he's going to have wasted the final days/weeks of the original series' life for no good reason at all in the end.

So, yes, for all intents and purposes the show is over.

I agree.


Jensen always gives 110 percent acting-wise. I've never felt he's ever phoned it in.

I do, however, have a weird sense that his protection of Dean has waned a wee bit. He's willing to go along with Dabb's Dean being - well - foolish. He ad libs can't climb a 4 foot gate, talks with food hanging out his mouth, clumsy and knocking things over. He's spent much of his time losing fist fights (to girrls) and rolling on the ground, getting caught, can't fix broken guns - and so on. Like... why would Jensen not change the line "Can YOU fix it?" to "Can WE fix it?" It's a script change I'm sure he would have made in the past because it made no sense. Dean is the mechanic and Dean possesses an equal knowledge of the supernatural.

The show started out with Sam being the main character. It quickly evolved to a point where IMO Dean moved ahead of Sam. Still, in terms of TPTB the Sam character is first & foremost on call sheet. I guess Dabb wanted to bring the status quo back to the beginning. It's the Sam show. The Sam and his sidekick brother show.

And Jensen's not fighting for Dean any more. That's my own opinion. I know many here will disagree.

I'm sure Jensen's name is at the top of many casting director's lists. He'll snap up a new gig no problemo. I'm hoping season 13 will be it - and that the series ends with a BANG!!


They may have broken Jensen, he was the last one that could have put his foot down and ended this but he seems happy. It is all such a horrible waste.

Jensen has given up, it's so obvious he either doesn't care anymore or feels it's a losing battle so he's just taking the money and accepting his blatantly demoted role and riding it out to the end. Unfortunately, for Jensen's fans, we're not getting paid to watch this crapfest.

Jensen doesn't even have the power to not have Dean dig Taylor Swift or not have his Demon!Dean arc cut for a musical episode. He has the power to take what he's given on the script and play it how he wants, and he has the power to ad lib if the writers say something, like 'Jensen can come up with whatever here,' or if he ad libs something that isn't in the script and works, like grabbing handfuls of mints on his way into a nice hotel, but the words in the script still have to be said. For instance, at the end of Do You Believe in Miracles, he and Jared had to make calls to get changes for 2 lines ok'd.


I think Jensen gives his all with whatever is written for him and I credit the slide and behind the back shoot 100% to him. At the same time, he really fought some wars back in the day. He brought a lot of attention to the Gamble debacle and he had many meetings in the past when things started to derail. He has done his part and I appreciate it. I don't fault him at all for this season. He had twins, started a brewery and spent a huge amount of time at conventions. I do think Dabb and Singer took advantage of that while Jensen was distracted (deservedly so) and turned 12 into the Sam and Mary show.


I do think Dabb and Singer took advantage of that while Jensen was distracted (deservedly so) and turned 12 into the Sam and Mary show.

I guess it depends on if Dabb/Singer/Berens/Perez/etc. ad nauseam continue with the same demoted-to-useless-sidekick Dean in season 13 that they pushed so thoroughly in season 12.

Yes, Jensen used to fight back before when things got this bad for his character; but he didn't do that this season, clearly. And, sure, I assume his attention was laser-focused on his new children and business, and Show took advantage of that.

But he has agreed to stick around on this show to the bitter end, so he still has an obligation to his day job. Therefore I hope he says something about the writing for his character in season 13, because if he doesn't, nothing will change for the better. We know that Dabb/Berens/Perez/et. ad nauseam don't care and won't change their tactics on their own.

Since Jensen agreed to direct again next year, which is a lot of work and takes him back to the set early, I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed this signals Jensen being a little more invested in the show and his own character again now that the kids are doing good, and the business is about to take off.


I sure hope so. If things don't improve soon next year (like episode 1or2) I will record and watch later so I can fast forward thru 90 % of the episode.


My new hope is Dabb and crew get called out at San Diego comic con. Creation insulates the guests and controls the questions and no one besides Singer really shows up anyway. Hopefully someone will hit Dabb like they hit Carver over Charlie.


and the business is about to take off.

PA can you expand on the above. The only sideline I know Jensen has is doing up property and selling them on for profit? Are he and Daneell still doing this or are you referring to something else?


He started a brewing company and he is now unable to direct an episode this season because of a conflict with the opening.


he really fought some wars back in the day. He brought a lot of attention to the Gamble debacle and he had many meetings in the past when things started to derail. He has done his part and I appreciate it. I don't fault him at all for this season.

I feel the same.


