Found another link
I found this on youtube and it has me wondering.
At :21 there is a hand that looks like it's coming up from the ground. So someone who was buried is returning. There are at least 3 that I know were not salted and burned when they were buried. One is Adam, when the Zachariah brought him back. Although technically he's not buried but caged. The second one is Henry Winchester. He was buried with the rest of his MOL's. And my 3rd possible is Benny. Dean said he buried the bones. I know they are long shots but would love it if one of them comes back and saves the day. I can't tell if it's episode 22 or 23 though. The scenes are all mxed up between the two episodes.
One side note. I always knew that Crowley was a rat and now he is. :)
(Sorry gang. I can't figure out how to set up the link so you can click on it.)