MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > If you could direct a question to our wr...

If you could direct a question to our writers

What would that question be?

Would love to read them ...

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I don't know how long the current writers have been with the show, but if they have I would ask them if they are suffering from memory loss, because Supernatural doesn't feel like Supernatural.

If they are new to the show: would it kill them to watch the entire series?

Why did it take eons to bring in the British Men of Letters to where it seems pointless and stupid?


jfru20 I totally agree with you 100% as we've talked about this before that we wonder if they do go back and ever watch episodes. This writing team is fairly new with Dabb the show-runner being the longest writer on board to have survived since S4. Some have promise like Berens and Glynn who are currently my favourites. A number who I've loved have now sadly left. I love that word eons which Amara used. It does make you wonder why it took so long to introduce the Men of Letters, the British version? As you say it seems s stupid story in which to include them.

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As Bella said, Dabb has been around since season 4. Berens has been there since season 9. The Nepotism Duo Ross-Lemming and her writing partner Buckner, wrote Route 666 in season 1 and then didn't write for the show again until season 7. Eugenie Ross-Lemming is Bob Singer's wife, and that's why they're called the Nepotism Duo. Their scripts are full of all kinds of mistakes, retcons, and outright canon destruction, like Lucifer suddenly going from being the younger brother in season 5 to the older brother in seasons 11 and 12.

I think the rest of the writers are new, and I remember Perez bragging that he'd watched 20-25 episodes, like it's something the writers on this show generally don't do. I think that's pretty apparent. Somebody's been watching seasons 1, 2, and 4 though, because season 12 seems to be a mash up of all of them, just not a very good mash up.


I would ask them where the idea of deconstructing Dean Winchester came from. Sorry, though last night's episode helped, I don't expect much the rest of the season. I am just hoping that there have been enough complaints that next year is better.


I get you, a number are unhappy about Dean's involvement in the storytelling. We still have another three episodes to go and hope we get some input at least from where Dean is coming from, as it's thin on the ground and long overdue.




I would ask them where the idea of deconstructing Dean Winchester came from.

Something along this line would be my primary question - why have they deconstructed/demoted/practically destroyed Dean Winchester? What good can that possibly be for the series?

I understand this latest episode isn't too terrible for him, for a change, so I'm going to try and watch it online this weekend. But, yeah, very little way too late. We need the real Dean Winchester back permanently, and I'd want to know if the producers have heard the outcry of complaints from fans about the writing - or not writing - for Dean, and plan to rectify the situation.

My other question would be about continuity, past canon, and why no one seems to know about it or care if they do. Why are they trying to change some things so radically and unnecessarily when they should know long-time fans remember original canon and it's frustrating to watch it all trashed.


What they have planned

If they will bring back the old atmosphere and monsters.

Will Sam and Dean ever be their old selves.


Maybe the series has been on for too long. We KNOW Sam and Dean cannot die - I remember literally bawling my eyes out when Sam died and Dean gave that heart-wrenching soliloquy over his body. If that same scene happened today, I'd probably not be anywhere near as upset as I'd know something would happen to bring Sam back.

So I’d ask about the challenges of writing for a 12 year old show with a rabid and knowledgeable fanbase and keeping it all fresh. Sam and Dean can never die. Cas and Crowley must continually be de-powered from their first appearances otherwise any trepidation just goes out the window.

I’d also express some dismay that the show has lost its heart and soul along the way. People die but we feel nothing because we never got to know the person. Mom returns but is cool and distant. Not one single brotherly hug this season, even when Sam learned his brother hadn't died from the bomb.

I wish they’d invite some of the writers and Andrew to a Creation panel. However, maybe not a good idea. Bob Singer was in over his head during his panel. He often appeared lost going off on tangents, eventually saying “it’s only a show” when questions got too hard. When the Js came on stage afterwards Jensen grinned asking Bob ‘were they nice to you?’

I'd ask if there's actually a writing room?


Did they keep their day-job? Cause season 12 ... trained monkeys would have done a better job writing it.
